Example sentences of "all [vb pp] [adv] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The carriage doors were all made so as to be interchangeable , the doors being first of all pressed together in a compressed-air jig , and then panelled up .
2 and that was all welded together in the fire into a straight bar
3 We were all caught up in the shock and wondered what the significance was .
4 It 's the type of client , life assurance clients are the type of client where the commission 's all come out in the first four years .
5 Sean Gregan , Lee Ellison and Anthony Isaacs all products of the youth policy , have all done well in the first team this season .
6 Well , there was the devilment of it , and the showing off and the natural generosity — all mingled together in the mischief and excitement of an act of illegality .
7 The mind structure — its motives , sense perceptions and instinctive drives — these are all reflected automatically in the outward physical form .
8 Local sales taxes , motor vehicle duties , poll taxes , taxes on industry , on commuters , or on tourists , are all used somewhere in the world — and local income taxes are common .
9 The other vineyards were all wiped out in the phylloxera epidemic of the last century and never replanted ; but lonely though it is on the local wine lists , Irouléguy will do nicely ; I have never got much beyond the stage of dividing wines into nice and nasty when it comes to describing them , so all I shall say is that Irouléguy is nice .
10 It 's all tied up in the shops . ’
11 The Book of Earth , the cornucopia of all the tiny books that go to make up The Book of Languages and even more disconcertingly , The Book of Mirrors , are all locked up in a glass case .
12 Thus law , religion and mortality were all bound up in the imperial title and role , and any offence against the Emperor and his law was an offence directly against God .
13 Mothers , mothers-in-law , aunties , grandmothers , first and second ( and third ) cousins are all bound together in a community of common suffering and joy .
14 she said it was all packed up in a box and I said well you would n't see it then would you ?
15 And they got an old curtain at the back door and then that 's all you sort of go through across the corner of the kitchen and he was making a bouquet of flowers and er he was setting them all out like and then when he bought it into me it was all set out in a big thing of cellophane and it 'd got two gold strips like
16 when I want to buy a shirt , that men 's shirts are usually all sealed up in a package
17 We saved them in a big tin , and when we got to the theatre and she opened it up they were all stuck together in a fluffy lump — pear-drops , and fruit-gums and licorice torpedoes and polo mints , with bits of hair and silver paper and bus tickets sticking out .
18 It 's all wired up in the back as well .
19 She 's got all these photos she took with that new camera — all jumbled up in an envelope — and she was saying she ought to put them into something .
20 They were all thrown forward in the same direction .
21 There was a screech of brakes and then we were all thrown forward in the coach .
22 but you see with him you see , they , it was packed , the house before the wake was packed , because Margaret kept coming over when he was all dressed up in a suit and everything , I did n't , she asked me if , once to go , I just said no I would prefer to remember
23 Rex and Harpo/Chico were all nuzzled up in the land of nod , so I took myself over to the window to watch the sun rise over Presley City .
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