Example sentences of "all [art] [noun pl] [that] follow " in BNC.

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1 All the processes that follow apply to wood that has been stripped and to articles made with new wood .
2 We have to check that the relation supports all the operations that follow the event mentioned .
3 A cow , reared for the first six months of its life in an environment of people and horses , may refuse to have anything to do with cows in its own paddock for all the years that follow .
4 His overall leadership was acknowledged , but the younger group retained actual control over their organisation and this dichotomy persisted throughout all the years that followed .
5 This put heart into me , because in all the years that followed I came increasingly to believe that the genuine radicals were neither the ‘ philosophical radicals ’ ( much as I admired J. S. Mill , and have even found good in Bentham ) nor the Fabian radicals , the socialists or social democrats , but the kind of conservative radicals of whom Cobbett was perhaps the earliest example .
6 And just as Koestler the man seemed devoid of small talk , so too all the writings that followed were pertinent and direct , never trivial or sloppy .
7 Like all the books that followed , Ragged Dick told the story of a young man who , by pluck and luck , rises from his lowly station to earn a respectable job and the promise of a better life .
8 ‘ And all the oracles that followed ?
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