Example sentences of "all [adj] is [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 Initially , all that is required of volunteers is for them to go along to a clinic where a small sample of blood is taken .
2 If a class teacher is unduly censorious about reading difficulties or if a parent who , in school , listens to children reading but shows impatience , all that is required of management is the gentle touch .
3 First , ‘ payment by results ’ demeaned education and reduced it to a mere cramming exercise in which all that is expected of pupils is a capacity for recall .
4 There should be delegation of authority according to the results required , ie. a subordinate must be given sufficient authority to do all that is expected of him .
5 In these lines ‘ the primal sympathy ’ seems to represent all that is left of the relation between Man and Nature ; ‘ the philosophic mind ’ , on the other hand , is a direct reference to Roman Stoicism .
6 And every residential social worker knows that I am not exaggerating when I say that after a death has occurred — often alone or with one of us holding the dying resident 's hand — the family will descend like vultures , demanding a complete inventory of all their belongings , ransacking their personal clothes for valuables , and insisting on receiving all that is left of the petty cash .
7 DEVASTATION : Smouldering ruins are all that is left of the spot where the doomed Israeli jumbo jet sliced through a block of flats in Amsterdam .
8 The remains are all that is left of a monastery which was founded early in the 11th century .
9 Gradually the expelled layers move off and fade away , while all that is left of the star is the small , dense core , which is at a high temperature and is amazingly ‘ heavy ’ .
10 Apart from the finds , these represent all that is left of the excavated site , and so are extremely important ; they also represent the investment in the excavation from a financial point of view , which may have cost a considerable amount of money , and it is therefore usual to duplicate them , storing one copy far away from the original records in case of accidents .
11 In April 1988 , Swan Hunters Ltd , which includes all that is left of Tyne shipbuilding , had some 3000 employees .
12 All that is left of the Sakkratians ’ science , ’ he said .
13 The street is in three parts : Market Street , because there was once a market ; Church Street , because of the Church of King Charles the Martyr , built at the Restoration ; and Arwenack Street , because it leads eventually to Arwenack House , all that is left of the home of the Killigrews , a mixed bag of soldiers , dramatists , pirates and entrepreneurs , who founded the town and built the church .
14 All that is known of Larkin 's domestic life derives from the parish registers of St Anne 's , Blackfriars , where between 1612 and 1615 the baptisms and burials of three of his children are recorded , and from his will , in which he mentioned his wife and young daughter , both named Mary .
15 All that is known of medieval warfare suggests that Lothar and his men would not have been sleeping after dawn — least of all when they knew that battle was imminent — and that Lothar 's scouts would have kept him well informed of his brothers ' moves .
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