Example sentences of "if they [vb past] they [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the square-skulled men I followed in this way in the streets turned out to have very macho faces , conventionally handsome , proud , even disdainful , as if they felt they alone were the lords and masters of the earth .
2 The people did not see the two youths — but if they saw them now they say they would lynch them .
3 Many viewers were ‘ structuring their lives round it ’ and spoke of the characters as if they knew them well ( BBC , 1986 ) .
4 If they did , and if they understood them thoroughly , rehabilitation medicine as a speciality might not be needed .
5 Only I 've come across one or two head teachers who 've taken out things like A B Cs recently , and they did n't realize that they would n't get a lot of value if they cashed them early , you know , if they cashed them within two or three years .
6 Members were discouraged from bringing along a personal caddie and if they did they still had to pay the caddie master the fee he would have received , irrespective of whether there was a caddie available or not !
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