Example sentences of "if they [modal v] [vb infin] a " in BNC.

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1 Here was her chance to find out exactly what the police were up to — it sounded as if they might have a new lead .
2 Contact your insurance company to see if they 'll offer a discount for customers with burglar alarms .
3 Yes , she has got some tickets , a , she 's made some and erm hoping those who ca n't come will buy ticket at least , but if they would bring a bottle you know , something for the prizes er erm they do n't pay for coffee , biscuit .
4 One morning a carter and his son were delivering a load of firewood and Grandmother asked if they would like a slice of pudding before they left .
5 He introduced his father , a tubby , good-natured little man , and asked them if they would like a lift into Plymouth .
6 She said : ‘ The former leaseholder of the cottage , who is a good friend , asked the Duchy of Cornwall if they would like a new tenant when he moved on .
7 I asked people if th if they would like a complimentary copy of the Saga magazine and all their brochures and they can do so by er , members like myself we 're asked from time to time , do we know any friends who would like a copy ?
8 She was going to exchange knitting-patterns with the Visitors , and ask them if they would like a hot drink after their 17 million light-year journey to Wimbledon .
9 However , they will only eat earthworms , which is fine ″ the summer , but I would be much happier if they would take a little trout , prawns and beefheart .
10 Twenty thousand rupees it would cost , but the extension worker said the government would pay for it if they could register a co-operative .
11 I asked the probation department if they could arrange a visit as it did n't look like anyone else was going to .
12 I made a point of saying to the Indian Ministers whom I met that , just as they had announced elections in the Punjab , so it would be excellent if they could start a political process in Kashmir so that there would be people representing the Kashmiris with whom the Government could talk .
13 Could I not go to the castle where the German headquarters were and ask if they could forward a small gift of food to a worker in Germany ?
14 It would be helpful to companies , as they try to improve their corporate governance , if they could make a real distinction between executive and non-executive directors .
15 But I 'm sure if they could make a profit they would .
16 The quotas did not include refugees who were eligible for admittance if they could show a " well-founded fear of persecution " in their homelands .
17 At every corner they paused , checked the signal strength , held it at arm 's length to see if they could detect a greater strength around the other side .
18 Group members can also be asked if they could give a small life history of themselves , although never without prior warning , and only if they are sufficiently confident to do so .
19 This is merely routine arrogance , but it obscures from them the fact that they could impress everyone a lot more if they could do a better job — and with a bit of help they could .
20 Viewers were asked if they could put a name to the voice of the kidnapper , a fairly distinctive voice with a softish Yorkshire accent .
21 This involved taking apart any statements made by known offenders and seeing if they could pinpoint a flaw somewhere along the line .
22 This family 's life would be transformed if they could buy a small terraced house with a garden .
23 Sponsored roundabout signs will not be allowed if they could cause a traffic hazard .
24 You could use some of the dry transfer lettering that is available from most art shops , or ask your local framer or photographer if they could recommend a calligrapher to you .
25 On the American side the multilateralists believed that protectionism in the United States might be weakened if they could win a demonstrable success against Imperial Preference .
26 ‘ We told them that if they could find a better vaccine they should use it .
27 The effect of the decision was to give women the choice of an abortion during the first six months of pregnancy if they could find a doctor to carry it out , and it came to have enormous symbolic importance for feminists .
28 If they could find a cure for the common cold .
29 The children looked all along the bank to see if they could find a boat .
30 It is ‘ very cold , very handsome , and very dull ’ : ‘ Who 'd live in such a great , overgrown place as this , ’ Lady Glencora asks , ‘ if they could get a comfortable house like Matching ? ’
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