Example sentences of "if he could [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Dermot was devoted to England and always maintained that he never went abroad if he could avoid it .
2 ( Eight was also the Number of Bel-Shamharoth , which was why a sensible wizard would never mention the number if he could avoid it .
3 A fatal accident inquiry at Dumbarton Sheriff Court yesterday was told that the pilot , Robert Watts , 53 , had been advised not to try to fly to Mull if he could avoid it .
4 Then he phoned to ask if he could visit me and my daughter .
5 I said there were the that county record form and this man asked me from the museum that handled it if he could send them back to erm to Wiltshire .
6 Beckman had indeed contacted Branson to see if he could advise him on the taking of anti-trust action , but the offer had not been taken up .
7 The journey to Calcutta took some hours , and when we arrived the Army met us and wanted to put us all in to some barracks , but I protested and rang up the Bishop , Foss Westcott , and asked if he could advise me what to do as Margaret by this time was very ill .
8 When I asked Wemmick if he could advise me on how to help a friend start up in business , his post-box mouth opened wide .
9 If he could do it properly , if he , if he , if ,
10 Them at the have asked Barry if he could fit them a box over their electric meter .
11 Later he asked , at second-hand , if he could accompany me into the Danakil country , where I planned to travel .
12 If he could break her out of it , she 'd be all right .
13 From seeing one of the newest metro systems in the world , he wondered if he could fix it to go home via Budapest and see one of the oldest .
14 It explained his interest in Heather 's disappearance as well as his offer of money to Harry if he could give him a story .
15 I understand that the changes are fairly limited , and I should be grateful if he could give me any further information .
16 Well I , I took the liberty of the Lord Lieutenant 's appointed me to something called the Sussex Rural Options Land Bank and I brought you a copy of the leaflet , having notice of your question and I did ask the officer who deals with this in the Sussex Rural Community Council if he could give me the latest score on housing I thought that the news was bad from what he had said , but having said that , I mean every effort is being made to deal with the issues you raise in this council which is now chaired by Peter .
17 Charlotte had telephoned Derek from Boston late on Friday night to ask if he could meet her off the plane at Heathrow on Saturday morning .
18 And last Sunday Miguelito had rung Miguel to ask if he could meet her again .
19 as if he could feel her glowering gaze resting on him , he briefly turned his head and looked back at her .
20 I wonder if he could tell us whether he is prepared to amend the legislation in this fashion , and perhaps tell the House exactly what other amendments he needs to make in order to take account of changing circumstances .
21 for the convenience of the house I 'd be most grateful if he could tell us , is this board a quango that he 's referred to ?
22 He just asked if he could hide it in the museum .
23 Whilst he was on the bridge I asked him if he could leave it open and explained I would shut it when somebody needed to get over .
24 It 's as well there 's two miles of telephone cable between us , because if he could reach me he 'd wrap it round my neck .
25 If he could reach it and not drop anything … if the cat would stay away from his feet …
26 I believe that he committed himself to assuring that he would never be party to such a thing again if he could prevent it .
27 This he did , and when he had learned to ride it he realized what a radical improvement it would be if he could propel it without putting his feet on the ground .
28 When a famous cartoonist wrote asking if he could draw her she had no hesitation in accepting .
29 With her here to keep la Principessa happy , he could slip the leash and enjoy himself a bit — and if he could seduce her into his bed in between times , so much the better .
30 Germaine Meyer was wearing a sky-blue blouse that summer afternoon and Modigliani was immediately arrested by her colouring , a blend of rose and white , and asked her eagerly if he could paint her .
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