Example sentences of "if he make a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps he thought that if he made a success of the concert party , word would get around amongst show business that here was someone to keep an eye on , and his big chance might come ; that someone important in the music world might come up to him with a contract in his hand and sign him up for the next ten years as a successor to Sir Malcolm Sargeant .
2 If he made a mistake , repeat stages 2–4 .
3 She launched herself into the tiny room , crouching , arms spread wide , ready to grab Gazzer if he made a dash for the door .
4 If he made a joke and she realized it was one , she used to butt him in the chest — she was much shorter — and say ‘ You 're silly ! ’
5 He 's been looking at that erm inspiration has n't , do you know I bet it would if he made a cup of tea why was n't
6 ‘ We 're not going to succumb , Bernard , ’ she would say if he made a move towards her , and she 'd toss her head back in a swift , moving , golden curtain .
7 If he makes a mistake , he has to rectify it .
8 To make the comparison fair , we should have to assume that built into each typist 's chair is a gun , wired up so that if he makes a mistake he is summarily shot , his place being taken by a reserve typist ( squeamish readers may prefer to imagine a spring-loaded ejector seat gently catapulting miscreant typists out of the line , but the gun gives a more realistic picture of natural selection ) .
9 If he makes a will , as most men do , it is almost certain that he will set apart a considerable proportion for the saying of masses ; if he should neglect to do so , and in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries it is regarded as almost a sin to die without making a will , the Church ought to make the provision which he has failed to make for his soul .
10 A devout follower of Mórr who does n't have Magical Awareness will still sense a magical effect on the wand if he makes a WP test with a -10 penalty .
11 If he makes a cock-up of this , anything approaching a scandal , he 's finished in a very final way . ’
12 he is on the streets if he makes a pass on Helen
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