Example sentences of "if he [adv] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If he later denied it to the police , that would not be unusual , either .
2 I said I would give them to him only if he later gave me his weapon .
3 If he wisely orders his men to occupy a certain hill it does not follow that they had reason to occupy that hill even before they were ordered to do so .
4 That might intensify that odd look of sympathy on his face , as if he already knew it meant something to her , when it meant nothing to him .
5 If he just phones them up tonight he can get a ticket .
6 As far as I was concerned he could have my every piece of silver if he just allowed me to gaze at his daughter .
7 He has been on the losing side in Cup semi-finals on five occasions , and if he finally makes it to Wembley this year he may look back on this bitter struggle as the crucial victory along the way .
8 His voice was croaked and hoarse and his shocked stare came to rest on David as if he instinctively knew he was a doctor .
9 You will find he will go to immense trouble to avoid Night Goblin units if he even thinks they might contain Fanatics .
10 Josh had the newspaper spread out in front of him on the table , but Ruth felt sure that he had not been reading it ; she doubted if he even knew it was there .
11 In this case I would think that , if the minister does not act in good faith , or if he acts on extraneous considerations which ought not to influence him , or if he plainly misdirects himself in fact or in law , it may well be that a court would interfere ; but when he honestly takes a view of the facts or the law which could reasonably be entertained , then his decision is not to be set aside simply because thereafter someone thinks that his view was wrong …
12 If he genuinely felt her designs could form the basis for a new range to lift the company 's fortunes ?
13 He wrote to the pope , begging him not to send Thomas his pallium until he had sworn obedience to Canterbury , for if he once possessed his pallium , he would never make his submission .
14 She wondered if he ever dropped it ; she could sense that , however fluently he talked , however intently he listened — and he listened very intently — his mind was at the same time pursuing some other parallel track .
15 I said , I wonder if he ever wore it ?
16 ‘ I flared up at him right off And I told him rd flay him if he ever sought me out again . ’
17 If he ever offers you a life , decline .
18 What would she do if he ever left her ?
19 But if he ever thought he 'd upset you he was quick to apologize .
20 ( His blood-pressure must have risen dangerously if he ever met anyone of the name of Hambly who also drank sherry ) .
21 ‘ I 've never seen the other two wearing them , but Kurt always has one on … wonder if he ever changes it ? ’
22 Although the main thing was that he now had clear proof that she was alive , he could see a lot more work ahead before he found her , if he ever found her .
23 Quiss felt his eyes start to smart in the fume-laden atmosphere , and as he peered through the grey , yellow and brown clouds of rising steam and smoke , thought of suggesting to the seneschal — if he ever found him — that he somehow persuade the scullions powering these airwheels that they should run rather than walk .
24 He wondered if he could do her dreadful job ; or rather , how long he could stand it if he ever tried it .
25 He had also taken to haunting the Holborn offices of The Little Magazine : for hours he sat crouched in the coffee bars and sandwich nooks opposite , with the unsettled intention of springing out at Sixsmith — if he ever say him , which he never did .
26 I do n't know if he ever guessed my feelings but he always treated me with great kindness and understanding .
27 Despite our beliefs , pain has undermined his strength , he is not undefeatable , God has had his way , if he ever lost it , and Satan has not just fallen , from Heaven to Hell , but has buried himself further into the pit , he has fallen further in trying , once again , to achieve greater height than he deserved .
28 ‘ I mean , if he ever gave me AIDS I 'd give him a Colombian necktie — ’
29 She sometimes wondered if he ever gave her a thought between departing from Taipei early on Monday mornings and his Friday evening returns .
30 She wondered how he saw her — that was , if he ever gave her a thought , apart from in her official capacity .
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