Example sentences of "if he [was/were] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 If he was reading it right it was hardly the behaviour of a recently widowed woman , particularly one who had lost her husband in such dramatic circumstances .
2 If he was represented we could do it er , on the section six two .
3 He looked as if he was encouraging her to say yes and then he could forgive her in a lofty sort of manner , and it annoyed Jenna instantly , partly driving away her unexpected awe of him .
4 If he was given them tokens or something like that , it would of been alright , but I , I , I a couple of weeks ago
5 ‘ He 's thrown his life away , and he 'd throw the company away if he was given it . ’
6 The look he slanted her was quizzical , almost as if he was humouring her .
7 Everyone was into existentialism , along with the beginnings of meditation , Zen and some other odd philosophies practised and preached by one of Dean 's advisers , a male witch named Samson DeVreer , who was often in company of another of Dean 's odd acquaintances , the television hostess named Vampira , because she looked like one , of whom Dean once said — when asked by Hedda Hopper if he was seeing her — ‘ I do n't date cartoons . ’
8 He gave her a long , slow look as if he was seeing her for the first time .
9 ‘ My mother , ’ Alain announced forcefully , his eyes on Jenna as if he was willing her not to sink back into her rather threatening stance .
10 Forecasting his impending departure , Burns , who was appointed as a consultant in April of last year , said on Radio Sheffield that if he was dismissed he would be seeing his solicitor .
11 He complained to Donaldson , who coolly said that he had not heard about the delegation , but if he was invited he would join it .
12 Once again he sounded as if he was accusing her of something .
13 Even after Menelik 's death Lij Yasu was never crowned , possibly because he believed a prophecy that if he was crowned he would die .
14 She cocked her head slightly to one side , staring at Corbett , a slight smile on her lips as if he was telling her some merry jest or interesting tale .
15 It was n't what she 'd intended , but if he was expecting her to quibble … well , she refused to gratify him .
16 ‘ Paige , my dear child , come in , come in , ’ he invited warmly , sounding almost as if he was expecting her .
17 It was almost as if he was touching her already — but it was only the shadow of him .
18 If he was to save her from a lifetime 's retreat from life and love he had to move her along the right road as quickly as he dared and as quickly as she would let him .
19 Even if he was kissing her because he only felt sorry for her , she could pretend , could n't she ?
20 General Midwinter was in front of the band smiling benignly at the closely packed guests and holding his gloved hand high as if he was auctioning it .
21 There had to be a Muse , he said , if he was to buy it .
22 She wondered if he was saying it with a question in his voice , testing her response .
23 I asked if he was having us on and he said ‘ no ’ . ’
24 he told her that even if he was caught he had now enough money to get her , police monitoring calls to the Shipway 's office traced the call within seconds to a phone box at the service station on the A one at Groinby near Gran Grantham Lan , Lincolnshire , police cars arrived at the call box only minutes after the kidnapper had left
25 She swept past his outstretched hand and began to hurry through the arrivals hall , only stopping to look back at him over her shoulder to see if he was following her when she reached the automatic doors .
26 If he was following us , ’ I said , ‘ why did n't he stay in the car ? ’
27 Honestly , it sounded to me as if he was giving them all some kind of ultimatum . ’
28 ‘ My father died when I was twenty , ’ Travis responded , but his voice seemed distant , as if he was forcing it .
29 Roman held out his hand as if he was claiming her as his bride and she responded , putting her fingers into his .
30 Well if he was sleeping you could leave him the car .
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