Example sentences of "if he [verb] [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 If he had simply been using her why , in that split-second of warning , had he called her sweetheart ?
2 He is ‘ a large , hard-breathing , middle-aged slow man , with a mouth like a fish , dull staring eyes , and sandy hair standing upright on his head , so that he looked as if he had just been all but choked , and had that moment come to ’ .
3 He had a half-beard and he looked dirty , as if he had just been working with hammers and bricks and wood and chisels .
4 Commentary : where an offender is dealt with for a breach of a community service order , he must be sentenced ( if the order is revoked ) in a manner in which he could have been sentenced by the court which made the order , if he is in breach of a probation order , the court may sentence the offender as if he had just been convicted of the offence concerned .
5 I put my arm across his shoulders , and as he leaned against me for a moment and sobbed I wondered if he had ever been able to cry like this — like a little boy with somebody to comfort him .
6 There is no doubt if he had ever been caught he would have hanged , ’ said Mr Stephenson , who left the police as an inspector in 1977 .
7 In April 1990 the Guardian carried a leader in which it described the ideal citizen as conjured up by Mr Hurd as ‘ active but elusive ’ : ‘ Apart from a minor sighting in a speech by John MacGregor , the Active Citizen has vanished from public debate as if he had never been . ’
8 Dinner had been cheerful and alcoholic , Kevin playing host to his family and slipping back into his old environment as if he had never been away .
9 It would be as if he had never been taken in treason .
10 If he had never been found , you 'd have got away with it .
11 His shirt had been as cleanly stripped from him as if he had never been wearing it , although his skin appeared uninjured .
12 It is essential for his reputation that he again walk as Manager into the Branch which he managed as if he had never been dismissed .
13 He had taken over her affairs again , picked them up as if he had never been away , and she could do nothing about it unless she began to create a great fuss .
14 Francesca sounded rattled and hostile , and McLeish gazed at the wall , wondering if he had really been in love with her for over a year .
15 When Leith was not mutinying against him , she was alternately engaged — while still producing a fair output of work — in wondering if he had really been serious about taking her to Parkwood to meet Travis 's parents this weekend .
16 She knew he was not actually in the red at the bank , but he was pretty near to it at times , although he was now paid a very good salary , much more than Len would ever have been paid if he had still been alive and in the job .
17 Paul wondered if he had perhaps been remiss in his lectures with all that had happened ; but it was not that , as it turned out .
18 Doyle , he suspected , would have respected him more if he had occasionally been less accommodating .
19 It was as if he had suddenly been made to remember just what sort of girl he was talking to .
20 When he arrived he put his cold , white hand in hers for a moment and said , ‘ Hello , Tessa , ’ as if he had always been aware of her as part of the background furnishings .
21 What is more , de Man argues , metaphor overcomes the opposition between inner repose and outer action because Marcel 's imagination gives him access to the outside world ; of a kind that allows him to possess it " much more effectively than if he had actually been present in an outside world that he could then have only known by bits and pieces " ( 1979 : 60 ) .
22 His expression was severe and disapproving as if he 'd just been sucking on a slice of lemon .
23 If he 'd just been trying to clear the hell out , then it meant there were probably other FAKINTIL escapers at large who had n't been able to make it back to the mountains either .
24 It was as if he 'd known — as if he 'd somehow been alerted to the fact that she was about to cave in , to spill the beans on their bogus relationship .
25 It would have made her task easier if he 'd still been in the bitter , brutal mood that had possessed him after William Ash had delivered his ultimatum , but she did n't understand him at present .
26 His damp hair was slicked back as if he 'd recently been for a swim or taken a shower .
27 Asked if he 'd ever been arrested before , Mitchum replied , ‘ Only for speeding , drunkenness and disorderly conduct . ’
28 The Forest boss said : ‘ I watched him in five-a-side training and it was as if he 'd never been away .
29 He just disappeared , as if he 'd never been there at all .
30 He 's just not there any longer ; and it 's as if he 'd never been , for none of the things he said are heard any longer either ; it 's a bad dream , and the Leader does n't have to sleep through it any more . ’
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