Example sentences of "if you can do [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Erm yeah if you can do one something like that .
2 There is no value in identifying a problem — even if it is a real one that matches the criteria given in 1 , 2 , and 3 — if you can do nothing about it .
3 Now if you can do them then just put the answer down .
4 If you can do what you enjoy in your free time , you can leave your work for what you are good at .
5 If you can do something as well as that , you must be able to convey — a little bit — ’
6 Feedback is easier to accept if you can do something constructive once you have got it ; if you know how to develop yourself , you are more likely to welcome feedback when it is offered and also more likely to solicit it actively .
7 ‘ So if Hurley asks you again if you can do something for him , ’ he said , ‘ tell him , okay .
8 On the other hand , you 'll never know if you can do it till you try .
9 If you can do it properly , the following version of the roundhouse kick gives you an added advantage .
10 ‘ You should try and see if you can do it yourself , ’ Denice suggests .
11 Take a print , see if you can do it .
12 A counsellor said that many of her clients would say , ‘ If you can do it , so can I ’ , and a physiotherapist found that the misconception that all physiotherapists are very fit helped because her patients assumed that this applied to her even though she was disabled .
13 ‘ I 'd like that , if you can do it . ’
14 Well it 's better if you can do it in your head it means okay you 're a bit cleverer cos you can do it in your head .
15 The deadline is Monday 3rd of May , but I would need to be sure the article will arrive ( sooner if you can do it ) .
16 The copy deadline is the end of August — or sooner if you can do it .
17 If you can do it without … ’ then Maxim remembered that Apgood 's whole life was devoted to doing things ‘ without ’ .
18 Try to hit a daisy or a leaf with the grip end of the club and see if you can do it .
19 It 's a good trick if you can do it .
20 Thanks … my fax number here is 081 943 4995 ( If you can do it ! )
21 Yeah if you can do it in a week all the better .
22 Right if you can do it join in , put your hand up .
23 I want you to write the exercise and now try this and see if you can do it .
24 You say there 's three candidates there who get , one who is actually earning the money that we pay and two that are n't , the quick fix is to say right we given you an opportunity to do this national accounts job at the same salary for six months , see if you can do it , and if you do it we confirm the salary .
25 Yes it is nice it 's okay if you can do it in daylight , but artificial light is difficult and I used to sit in the car when Charlotte was asleep .
26 Right , OK , see if you can do it with me messing about down here then
27 If you can do it yourself do it but I 'm trying to hear Amy read .
28 Or you ca , if you can do it on your own , brilliant !
29 Oh , oh , if you can do it in a sentence .
30 Yeah but then Charlie said no you 're not doing it properly and if you can do it
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