Example sentences of "if you can [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 If you can offer a raffle prize or give a donation towards this please let Cicely Harris know as soon as possible .
2 Disarmament can be achieved , because if you can stop a war , you can abolish armaments .
3 If you can face a fifteen-foot wave at Banzai Pipeline , you can handle anything . ’
4 Do not merely stare at facts which you hope to remember , but see if you can devise a memory-jogger by arranging them so that the initials form another word which , perhaps , you associate with some experience in your life .
5 But if you can show a pattern of attacks , then you have a much stronger case .
6 As A Course In Miracles suggests , there is no order of difficulty in miracles ; if you can programme a parking space , you can create whatever you Dream about .
7 Why not join our band of Volunteers — even if you can spare a little time you will always be welcome .
8 But it 's , we 've got to get them motivated and I 'm asking today , you know , we need more help and if you can spare a few hours a week it would be more than appreciated .
9 If you can do a thing once you can do it again .
10 ‘ I think she 's got the attribute that every good cook should have — if you can do a few things really well , stay with those rather than attempt the impossible . ’
11 I would think your Ks are probably pretty good if you can do a good letter F .
12 The benefit of this one as well is if , let's just say we , that you knocked him right down on his money force as cheap a buy as possible then ask if you can do a hundred percent .
13 But if you can do , if , if you can do a two hundred thing for sit down you 're gon na be in among the functions .
14 Being with others is also important , and it helps if you can involve a depressed resident in outside activities .
15 It helps if you 're articulate , it helps if you can start a sentence and finish it , it helps if you 've got a , an interesting voice and so on , but the bottom line is to be interesting .
16 Possessions must mean a very great deal to you if you can bear a grudge so long . "
17 If you can make a film that makes its money back , you can justify making another . ’
18 If you can make a bad orchestra tolerable , that is valuable .
19 An example might be to focus on car number plates and seeing if you can make a word containing all the letters of the plate number , or in a supermarket look out for all items costing a particular amount of money , or in a crowded room noting the number of people with blue eyes .
20 Her Birmingham background is hinted at and if you can manage a Birmingham accent it might be useful , but it is not essential in finding the character .
21 If you can manage a visit of two to three days ( or even just one day ) it is well worth it — the modern boat takes 1½ hours and it is only a matter of minutes in the small jet aircraft .
22 Tony Abraham , chair man of Lansdown Conquest , says , to my mind quite rightly , that if you can draw a commercial accurately on a storyboard , it is a poor commercial , because the film camera should be able to do things no pen or paintbrush can .
23 If you can draw a graph you can you can get that .
24 So with logs , if you can draw a picture and Do n't just sort of look at a picture in a book there 's a graph of Y equals log X. Do it yourself .
25 The technique seems to be refutation by denigration : If you can attach a label to my approach , you do n't have to say what is wrong with it .
26 Only if you can do so , only if you can waken a deep concern with other human beings , is there any possible basis for moral argument .
27 If you can sack a player who 's been boozing
28 Right , well so that 's alright tomorrow right me and you go down the dirt track and we 'll see if you can handle a one two five , yeah ?
29 You know , I mean it 's quite realistic , if you can change a video , or even that if , if you 'd written , had n't had time for whatever reason , but , video , just point that out .
30 I think if erm if you can avoid a trunk road then that is a preferable solution erm if you 're able to rely on just County Council roads then that is a better solution .
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