Example sentences of "if we [modal v] [vb infin] they " in BNC.

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1 Arguably it provides a very strong constraint on managers to act efficiently , if we may assume they are concerned about their future career path and if they believe that the firm does not systematically assess their performance wrongly .
2 and anyway this fellow said do you want some rabbit it 's a pound each , so we ordered some rabbits , ai n't got them yet like , but I do n't know if we 'll get them or not
3 So if we can hurt them or certainly gang together if you like , cos unity is strength , and between the three workforces they 'll certainly slow down production and hopefully force things .
4 Talking at the launch of the Rothmans Rugby Union Yearbook , Serfontein added : ‘ We will take sanctions against clubs if we can pin them down . ’
5 Let's see if we can move them on this year so that they start to think it 's a charity I know I really want to support .
6 So we thought , No if we can stop them to speak to them cos at the end of the day we ca n't actually stop them going up , we can give them as much harassment as we can yes er and keep within the law .
7 Oh well Derek , there 's a chance still mate , if we can stop them pegging but I think the chances of stopping them pegging three is a bit remote !
8 Comment If these results seems rather too trivial to bother about , let's see if we can make them more impressive ( and less " obvious " ? ) by stating their conclusions in words : ( i ) The product of the additive identity with any integer always yields the additive identity .
9 " We are always looking for new ideas on planting and design to see if we can vary them to suit our garden . "
10 The activities of a fan become intelligible if we can interpret them as being instrumental in establishing him in a particular role , or if such activities can be shown to be acceptable demonstrations of character and worth among his peers .
11 in the next couple of weeks , so if we can use them
12 Well if we can put them in little bags , ooh
13 If we can force them to pull out through lack of money then that is their excuse , but we do n't care as long as they go somewhere else . ’
14 If we can play them over there .
15 Hence , the emphasis of our work which , broadly speaking , is concerned with helping either organizations , by which I mean galleries and arts centres , or individuals , in other words artists , craftsmen , photographers , and is increasingly directed to the former in the belief that if we can help them , these centres and galleries , towards adequate levels of staffing and expertise , they in their turn , and much less artificially than we , will be able to help the individual artist .
16 And if we can encourage them to do that er more effectively and more efficiently , then that 's all to the good .
17 Skipper Andy Townsend , another Norwich old boy said : ‘ If we can get them all back fit again , get a few wins and the confidence going , there 's no reason why we ca n't get up there . ’
18 One thing is for sure ; the tyres are thin , and if we can get them removed and new tyres fitted in Poland for a reasonable price , we will .
19 Let's go underground and see if we can get them to talk a bit more freely . "
20 If we can get them lined up at the entrance , they should be sucked through like water through a plug hole .
21 If we can get them interested in the source of the sound there is then the chance that we gently lead them out into deeper water .
22 Often we can secure the release of refugees from detention if we can find them somewhere to live .
23 ‘ There 's always a gypsy king and queen somewhere , ’ I said , ‘ if we can find them . ’
24 ‘ Could be with your family papers if we can find them , ’ I went on .
25 If we can pick them all up at the same time we wo n't lose any of them . ’
26 If we can keep them off council land it will make it nearly impossible for them .
27 If we can keep them contained for the first half then we 've got a chance of pinching a couple of goals . ’
28 If we can keep them out long enough , maybe the crowd will turn against them a bit and frustration will set in ’ — which is more or less what happened .
29 If we can flog them
30 We get our horses from a dealer and if they are good horses to learn on we buy them if we can afford them .
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