Example sentences of "if i [modal v] [verb] my " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I asked him if I should finish my dissertation .
2 And if I should change my mind and find the abbey not to my liking , or if Joan returns and it becomes expedient to resume our true identities , then so be it .
3 Whereas at the time it was a thin old wicket — you know , ‘ Madness are a bit thick and they do come out with some bollocks sometimes , so I do n't know if I can throw my weight behind them ’ . ’
4 For example , in discussing his plan to publish Der Freitheitsucher shortly after the First World War he wrote to Benjamin R. Tucker ( in English , for Tucker did not read German ) : ‘ The prices for printing and paper here are abominable , and I am not sure yet , if I can fulfill my plan .
5 There is an objectivity behind the subjectivity of our preferences which entitles you to recommend to me a dish which you do not choose yourself and which I have hitherto been repelled by , but may come to like if I can forget my prejudices and for the first time attend closely to the flavour .
6 If I can lift my eyes from pots and pans
7 If I can give my fans enjoyment in some small way , that really makes what I do worthwhile .
8 If I can give my fans enjoyment in some small way , that really makes what I do worthwhile . ’
9 If I can navigate my way around Heathrow airport , I can get to downtown Venice . ’
10 ‘ Well , I do n't have anything scheduled until this afternoon , so I thought I 'd try getting in to see Signor Silvio and see if I can pry my money free of his sticky grasp . ’
11 What I 'm saying sir is to save any inconvenience to the court is that if I can have my committal cos I do n't wan na be stuck up in this part of the country .
12 I ask him if I can have my new lap-top back and he says he is n't sure .
13 I ca n't be loony if I can remember my dream , surely ?
14 if I can see my face in them you , you might have a tip
15 But if I can put my thinking erm on the floor first , it seems to me that vacant Normal vacancies as Mr has described them , are a function of people moving from one house to another .
16 There is plenty of time for hon. Members to make speeches , and if I can develop my argument a little en route , I shall be happy to do so .
17 if I can find my way there
18 Damned if I can get my tongue round it .
19 Oh I 'll pick them up if you like , cos I 'm gon na go and see if I can get my shoes
20 ‘ But if I can keep my sense of humour , I hope that we will be all right . ’
21 I have good friends , and if I can keep my faculties — if my eyesight behaves itself and my hearing stays good — then I shall be content
22 If I 'd have my time over again , I 'd do things so differently .
23 If I could feed my own ego I wouldnae need to feed my face !
24 ‘ I think you manage remarkably well , ’ Helen said , ‘ and the fact that you do makes me wonder if I could hold my party after all .
25 Even now , if I could get my hands on him .
26 I guess what I would really like is if I could get my own club and have everyone come to where I was !
27 If I could get my hand on the dirty little tyke who wrote it — ‘
28 If I could get my hands on that Micky Danby now , I 'd break his sodding neck . ’
29 If I could get my .
30 If I could get my applicant , you see if , let's say we pay somebody , I du n no fifty , sixty quid a week , fifty quid a week to come and for , two mornings , three mornings , or whatever that 'll then give me enough time to contact the applicants and then ma , maybe maybe two stroke three sales extra per month .
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