Example sentences of "if it [vb mod] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 At last it looked as though her fee was guaranteed — even if it might mean being constantly shadowed by Guido .
2 I turned my head away quickly , but I had had time to take in another feature — his rather sharp , small nose that looked as if it might have been broken in a boxing match .
3 And the Ode to Duty , with its opening lines sounds as if it might have been written by an Old Testament Prophet .
4 I think he secretly always wondered if it might have been more entertaining .
5 He was thankful she was n't wearing boots but her hair had disappeared again under an awful black felt hat that looked as if it might have been her father 's , and when she handed her coat in at the cloakroom she kept the hat on .
6 That 's what I meant about the meta-metal , if you took it back to metal you could n't make up a page like your upper and lower case with a big R , unless you spent three years chiselling and fitting the thing , but somehow it looks as if it ought to have been possible to have done it in metal because that 's where it took its springboard from .
7 ‘ Then I came here , and here I have been ever since , wondering often if it would have been better if that first Man had never found me . ’
8 I do n't know if it would have been there in Flaubert 's day .
9 Moreover , not only is the dormant company then entitled to the exemption from auditing but , if it would have been entitled to the exemptions of a small company under section 246 but for the fact that it is a member of an ineligible group , it will also be entitled to those exemptions ; until it ceases to be dormant or no longer qualifies to make itself exempt under section 250 .
10 ‘ I 've no idea if it would have been the same or not , ’ she said rather wildly .
11 I 'm not saying that people would have never changed their ideas but if it would have been done in the manner that it would have been done in in the first place and if people would have been told about their future lives and if people had been , would 've accepted what was going on in light of all the decisions that have been taken previously regarding the merger issue .
12 Looks as if it should have been done hours ago , if you ask me .
13 You 'd 've been alright if it 'd 've been a mass murderer slept for years .
14 Maybe what I did was an act of complicity , or looked as if it could have been .
15 The summary of the Webbs ' view is that , by contrast with their model of Socialism , Owen 's scheme — if it could have been carried out — would have done no more than redistribute the capital of the country without altering or superseding the capitalist system in the least .
16 Over one year , a £10 a month investment would be worth a respectable £143.26 now , if it could have been placed in the same hypothetical fund .
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