Example sentences of "if he [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 If he chose to be asleep when the lollipops were handed round , that was his lookout .
2 She loved fantasising about being his wife , wearing big hats , being chauffeur-driven and waltzing through the door of Number 10 if he got to be Prime Minister .
3 The mother who ‘ ca n't be so cruel ’ as to wake her sleeping baby if he happens to be asleep at the appointed feeding-time , fails to realize that a few such wakings would be all she would have to resort to …
4 If he lived to be a hundred , he 'd never get used to this evil oozing cold .
5 Even if he lived to be ten .
6 If he went to be the head gardener of another greenhouse and did another ten years teaching among the geraniums , what species of hothouse plant might result ?
7 When he got you home he would strip at once , taking everything off right there and laying his clothes down on the hall floorway as if he had to be naked at once , methodically removing every item .
8 If he had to be shifted to Ireland , why could n't it have been Dublin where he 'd at least have been nearer to Elizabeth and might have managed to hop over to England more often .
9 If he had to be a slave , it was better to have a fair master .
10 If consent makes a touching lawful , then it must follow that if a patient withholds consent , if he refuses to be touched by a doctor , any further touching will be unlawful , and will give rise to civil and criminal liability .
11 And if he decides to be a member of the Government he resigns his parliamentary seat and his replacement takes over without the need for a by-election .
12 If he admitted to being confused then so was she .
13 A pupil must do his level best to please his master ( and the clerk ) if he hopes to be invited to remain .
14 His stance was apologetic , almost cringing as if he expected to be dealt a blow .
15 It would undoubtedly be wiser to establish the young author 's identity and then , if he proved to be Mrs Stych 's son , perhaps have a quiet word with the boy first .
16 In the course of it Edward Lucas , a BBC Prague correspondent , asked Havel directly if he wanted to be president .
17 There was an eloquence about his hand movements and I realized also that he could be a dancer if he wanted to be .
18 Endill did not know if he wanted to be hard but was too tired to argue .
19 ‘ I told him if he wanted to be a great athlete he would have to stop chasing them . ’
20 At the party afterwards Binkie Beaumont , far and away London 's biggest impresario ( he had put on The Druid 's Rest ) , asked the boy if he wanted to be a professional actor .
21 If he wanted to be cagey , she thought , that was okay by her .
22 Young Mr Kennedy is as British as his father , if he chooses to be , because Francis , as you know , always kept his British citizenship .
23 If he happened to be out when Sien came home , the flowers in front of the window by the wicker chair would let her know he had thought of her .
24 A transaction with a foreigner who is resident here would be outside the embrace of the legislation if he happened to be abroad , or chose to be abroad , at the time the transaction was effected .
25 The presence of a rival could blight his own prospects , and if he happened to be from the locality , then Owen O'Clery told himself he might as well be moving on immediately .
26 Ben he spotted me on these occasions he invariably called out some mocking remark and if he happened to be with some of his cronies they all joined in the laughter at my expense .
27 A person 's membership of the committee is automatically terminated : ( i ) if he becomes bankrupt ( his trustee replaces him ) or he compounds with his creditors ; ( ii ) if he is not present or represented at three consecutive meetings ( unless at the third meeting it is resolved that this rule will not apply ) ; and ( iii ) if he ceases to be or is found never to have been a creditor ( r 6.158 ) .
28 ( 1 ) if he ceases to be qualified to act as a solicitor under Section 1 of the Solicitors Act 1974 , or , in the case of a registered foreign lawyer his name is struck off the register of foreign lawyers or his registration is suspended or cancelled .
29 ( 1 ) if he ceases to be qualified to act as a solicitor under Section 1 of the Solicitors Act 1974 , or , in the case of a registered foreign lawyer his name is struck off the register of foreign lawyers or his registration is suspended or cancelled .
30 This applies even if he seems to be selling them too quickly or too cheaply .
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