Example sentences of "if he [verb] [pron] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If he resented anything it was Jack Ryan 's meanness .
2 If he agreed it he signed it and put the to which that was called a total waybill .
3 If he likes you he will give you anything , if he does n't , no money will get what you want from him .
4 He was treating her as if he knew her , as if he cared what she thought , and she could n't even get her face under control .
5 She should deal with his questions truthfully , but if he asked her anything of a personal nature she must decline to answer .
6 If he asked me I would turn him down . ’
7 Zack knew this was not true , but he was aware he could have a very dangerous situation on his hands if he told them they were beginning to show cracks , and could not take more than another six days of numbing boredom and inactivity .
8 If he told her she might go straight back and he would n't be home for hours .
9 If he told you he was in Geneva throughout his absence , he was lying . ’
10 Through Special Branch it arranged for Inspector Lamport , of the Portsmouth CID , to visit the Sallyport Hotel two days later , on 21 April , where , in front of the astonished manager , Edward Richman , Lamport tore out from the hotel register the pages bearing the signatures of Crabb and ‘ Smith ’ , and threatened Richman with prosecution under the Official Secrets Act if he told anybody anything about the affair .
11 I just wanted to see if he practised what he preached .
12 Anyway , Michael said that if he had one he 'd settle for peeling off the Carlsson stickers and the other red flashes down the sides and leave it at that .
13 Stephen perceived that he had no torch , or that if he had one he was n't bothering to use it , which meant he must know the moor well , as well perhaps as Stephen himself did .
14 He ensured that no one could talk confidentially and if he heard something he did n't like , he would loudly announce over the intercom , ‘ I heard that ! ’
15 If he heard anything he would not dream of doing anything about it but would go on gazing indifferently over the heads of his sheep .
16 It would be dangerous enough with some space and several tablecloths between their nearly naked bodies , but if he touched her she knew she would be lost .
17 If he met anyone he could say , with perfect truthfulness , that he had been absorbed in correcting students ' essays and had not realised the time until it was after five o'clock ?
18 I said to the Leader of the Opposition that ’ jerk ’ is not on the list of unparliamentary expressions but , bearing in mind the nature of this debate , it would help the House if he refined what he has said in the interests of good order .
19 Something seemed to open or to expand in her brain , releasing a cold voice which she had never heard there before , telling her that if he cheated her she might just as well kill him .
20 His father said if he married her he would be cut oot , cut off withoot a penny . ’
21 Perhaps , thought Juliet , her heart thudding against her ribs , perhaps if he helps me he thinks he might fall in love with me too .
22 We were n't allowed to have a we were n't allowed to have a cup of tea in break time no but er we were all on edge you know for fear , if he kicked it it would have scalded his foot and he were , he were only a few inches away from it , and of course he went now what we used to say now nosing around and we should n't have done he had a job to get round because he was
23 Love , if he deluded himself it was love , could n't exist on air .
24 I 'll do my best out there — but if he hurts me I 'm going down . ’
25 It was almost as if he enjoyed what he was doing .
26 If he suits you I 'm sure he suits me .
27 Then she stepped away from him , fearful of her own weakness and afraid that if he kissed her she would dissolve into a quivering jelly that would melt from sheer ecstasy .
28 If he read what I wrote , I did not imply that the Nortec tools were inferior and needed adjustment .
29 Why do n't you wait a few hours and see if he gets what you need from Blagg ? ’
30 If he gets what he has asked for , then the promise is given for consideration unless there is some vitiating factor .
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