Example sentences of "if i [verb] my [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If I make my bed in Sheol , thou art there !
2 ‘ Dearest Belinda ’ er … , no , I know , Belinda 's into poetry ; it 'd really impress her if I made my note into a poem !
3 Now I know that if I hold my arm up but keep it still she has the benefit of the updraught and will open her wings and take off .
4 The first one was to the house in Colchester to ask if they 'd mind if I delayed my arrival by one more day .
5 I shall look a damn fool if I change my mind now . ’
6 And she said , ‘ George Dionisovich , at the moment I do n't want to sell them , but if I change my mind I 'll let you know ’ .
7 If I told my therapist that , ’ said Scarlet , ‘ do you think she 'd let me go ? ’
8 I should like to hear Rebecca 's version , but can only do so if I repair my rudeness and invite them here — ( Like the Queen , we never ask her back ) .
9 If I shifted my weight on to the shoulder these mugs had been using as a football , the pain took away my thoughts from the throbbing ache in my head .
10 If I pull my jumper off like that be like that dresses .
11 I can do that and if I pull my beard I 'm gon na loosen your grip .
12 At least I think that if I knew my rugby , I would be in a good position to acknowledge that you know yours .
13 If I knew my future and that I would never be No 1 I think I 'd tell myself to forget it .
14 Look if I take my hair off I 'm gon na finish up with an old girl with a bloody Zimmer frame .
15 So when you , if someone camps on to you , is that what happens , if I take my desk , there 's an unusual amount of ringing and nobody there when I actually pick it up .
16 A bite now is hardly ever missed and I am confident of landing even big fish on this gear if I take my time about it .
17 I 'm all ready if I got my handbag , but when I start walking because of the cars being broken into I do n't carry a handbag , you see , I just carry money in my pocket .
18 ‘ For a very long time , if I get my way , ’ Louise interrupted .
19 I 'm more than willing to carve my own career — I 'm raring to go , at least I shall be if I get my degree and if I can shake off this horrible mononucleosis , as Dr Newne pompously insists on calling it !
20 I believe I believe Mrs when she says she 'll jump up and down on my head if I get my homework in late .
21 It 's just that he 's coming for it at three so if I get my camera I want it before three .
22 So perhaps , if I spent my time explaining how and why I found difficulty , that must be some sort of substitute .
23 I have had the same trouble now and again , but if I control my jaw when I yawn it does not happen so much .
24 If it was n't for Mike I 'd be off but I 'm afraid he might start snorting coke if I turn my back .
25 If I turn my back , then some of them immediately start break-dancing round the room !
26 Take Ian Woosnam , who , if I turn my notebook back a week , I find saying such things as : ‘ I am not in the groove at all .
27 I thought if I waited my lake would grow , and if I waited long enough the walls would walk away and the heron would come to swoop above my lake , milk-white in the moonlight .
28 I was asked if I wished my name to be withdrawn a second time but I declined , feeling it would be wrong to have to continue to rely on the goodwill and hospitality of friends in order to continue playing .
29 Well , I would ban them too if I had my way .
30 ‘ I do not like your arrogance and your questions , and if I had my way I would arrange an accident or have you thrown into some deep dungeon until everyone had forgotten about you ! ’
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