Example sentences of "if it [is] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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31 I wonder if it is badly wounded .
32 a capital sum may be paid directly to the settlor ; 2. a capital sum may be paid indirectly to the settlor ; 3. a capital sum may be deemed to have been paid to the settlor if a sum is paid to any third party at the settlor 's direction ; 4. a capital sum shall be deemed to be paid to the settlor if the sum is paid to any third party by virtue of an assignment by the settlor of his right to receive it ; and 5. a capital sum shall be deemed to have been paid to the settlor if it is otherwise paid or applied by them for the benefit of the settlor .
33 The notion of pastiche is now a guiding thread in critical discourse , to the extent that Palandri 's novel can be put forward as ‘ a disturbing attempt to write a kitsch novel ’ ( De Michelis 1986a ) , and the argument be made — — referring to Piersanti 's Charles — that no novelist born in the 1950s can return to ‘ traditional narrative ’ without being aware that he/she is ‘ holding an old toy which might look fine in an antique shop , or might be an ornament or a collector 's item , but is no good for playing with any more ’ ; if they do use it ( but why should they if it is no use any more ? ) , it is with a mixture of pleasure and melancholy , ‘ like someone repeating a game which once gave pleasure for years and years and now gives none , only the memory of the joy it once gave ’ ( De Michelis 1986b ) .
34 If it is easily remedied , then clearly the buyer can not complain of the defect in question .
35 primarily and fundamentally one who is friendly , a good mixer , of sound character and having much commonsense ; she must be patient , not easily put out by misbehaviour or pressure of work , remaining calm at all times ; she must like children and be tolerant of them and their ways and also of her colleagues ; she must be willing to turn her hand to any job that needs to be done in the department even if it is normally done by people junior to herself .
36 If it is physically restrained from swelling when it wants to swell , very considerable pressures are built up .
37 But unless you want to spend your time and money on litigation against surveyors , building societies , estate agents and solicitors , with no guarantee of success in the end , you need to become as competent as you possibly can in carrying out your own surveys , even if it is simply to check that the ‘ expert ’ has n't missed anything .
38 Good communications will often secure good working relations with no misunderstandings , if it is clearly explained that those details must be specified in the estimate .
39 If it is positively charged electrically , it will seek electrons .
40 If it is closely examined at this point it appears to have died from shock , but then a few moments later it may revive miraculously and fly off .
41 Be careful not to lift the slippers off the ground when you put them on , however , as this is likely to cause the dog to become aggressive , especially if it is effectively cornered in the room with you .
42 This measure may be of use to health care planners , but , even if it is eventually validated and accepted as an equitable way of allocating resources , it will be of little help to general practitioners , whose decisions are mostly concerned with managing self limiting minor illnesses .
43 Often these compromise theories state , in effect , that punishment is only justified if it is both deserved and likely to have deterrent effects ( eg von Hirsch , 1976 : chs 5 and 6 ) .
44 Indeed it is this inaccuracy that leads to its often being called a circadian clock ( from the latin , circa — about ; diem — a day ) If it is correctly timed one day , it will be approximately 1 hour late the next , about 2 hours late the day after that , and so on until it will be ‘ useful ’ again after about 3 weeks .
45 A large number of sections makes it easier to locate paperwork only if it is correctly filed .
46 The ham is always easier to cut when it is well chilled and may be even easier to handle if it is lightly frozen .
47 One of the great bonuses of The Third Age is time — time to spare for other people , even if it is only to listen to what they have to say .
48 ( Ends sufficient in themselves , it will be remembered , include for us anything chosen however briefly for its own sake , even if it is only lazing in a deckchair in the sun . )
49 If you have a really bad cellulite problem I suggest you follow the diet and try and take some sensible form of daily exercise even if it is only walking the dog for a couple of miles .
50 ‘ The play is a hotch-potch of fairytale and modern juvenile humour , which , even if it is only designed for children , has very little appeal , ’ he wrote .
51 All of us like to receive support from others when we have a problem , even if it is only talking things over with friends .
52 Not all people who decide to work from home will be lucky enough to have a ready-made office space and they will need to make changes in their accommodation , even if it is only finding a place to keep the computer and the phone .
53 A really big toad , if it is seriously irritated , can squirt a jet of poison and hit an attacker a yard away .
54 Made in larger quantities pesto can be preserved in jars if it is tightly packed ( no air pockets should remain ) and covered with a layer of olive oil .
55 Overall , a healthy plurality of different initiatives is likely to arise if a strong voluntary sector grasps the opportunity with which it is currently presented and if it is actively supported by the statutory authorities .
56 Then we may write unc and D has the same degeneracy as C. The matrix unc will in general be fully populated ; if it is appropriately partitioned , we may write ( 18 ) as unc To be conformable with the first and last matrices in the triple product , unc must have — p rows and n — q columns .
57 What is the point of sending the article to learned referees if it is subsequently going to be altered without warning ?
58 Participants in a television programme , for example , who are told that it is a " pilot " which will not be transmitted , can not be held responsible for defamatory statements they have made if it is subsequently screened at prime time .
59 A patent , once granted , can be revoked if it is subsequently shown to fail to meet the requirements for patentability ; for example , that it was not novel on the priority date or does not have an inventive step , or if it was not granted to the person entitled to it .
60 This is a rather unsatisfactory situation , but fortunately the treatment for Candida infestation ( described below ) is fairly innocuous , so it does not matter too much if it is sometimes given unnecessarily .
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