Example sentences of "if this [noun] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ THIS is an ideas battle … not every one of these things can be distilled into politics — you know , who 's for this and who 's for that , and if this person is for this , somebody else has to be for that .
2 I simply wan na say two things and that is this that within a month if this scheme is to work I believe that the council or the social services committee must draw up a long list of homes which it proposes to close and that long list will be in teams and that must be done not behind closed doors so that people know what is being proposed , we level with people who live in those institutions and they are fully acquainted with our , with our intentions and secondly I think it 's necessary to understand from this programme that it is not just refurbishment programme , it is a refurbishment and closure programme the simple equation being that the money that comes from closures from capital receipts and some revenue savings , actually goes into the rest to refurbish them .
3 Funds are urgently required if this work is to be completed on the North Side .
4 I then pointed out to him that I strongly deprecated a dissolution at this moment as I had implicit confidence in him and in the Conservative Party now in power , and I considered that as most countries in Europe , if not in the world , were in a chaotic and indeed dangerous state , it would be a pity if this country were to be plunged into the turmoil of a General Election on a question of domestic policy which will arouse all the old traditional bitterness of the hard fought battles between Protection and Free Trade : also that it was quite possible that his majority might be reduced , or that he might not get a majority at all .
5 A question asked early in the interview may affect answers to subsequent questions , and if this order were to be altered it becomes difficult to detect the effect this might have on the replies .
6 Yes he 's built a business up and I 'm not denying him that er or anything at all , But somehow now er I do n't know whether the wheel is turning too fast for him to co keep up with it or whether it 's erm oh never mind the erm the industry of the locality , providing the money stakes a I know every business has got to pay for itself and that we we 're not , If this quarry was on the down grade and er er somebody had come to us said , look unless you take a drop in your wages er we ca n't survive that would be a different issue altogether .
7 If males compete for access to the females , selection will develop any character that encourages successful breeding — even if this character is of no benefit in terms of adaptation to the environment .
8 If this contribution is to be representative of the burial environment within a 30 cm radius , it is best measured in situ , either using small metal capsules containing a highly TL-sensitive material buried for about one year , or using a calibrated gamma ray spectrometer .
9 If this date is within eight weeks from the start of the PIW , you will not have to pay SSP for so long .
10 If this blob is in a turbulent flow , its distribution will change with time in the way indicated schematically by successive configurations in Fig. 20.5 ( see also Fig. 21.6 ) .
11 If this proposition were to be of interest I would arrange for you to be put in contact with my client , who will reveal his identity at the appropriate stage .
12 If this pitfall is to be avoided , it is suggested that careful attention is needed to the way in which normalisation is being interpreted .
13 If this approach is to be successful there need to be benefits to the wife , the farmer , and the farm .
14 Further development is required if this technique is to be included in the alternative treatments for the management of gall stones .
15 If this reformulation is to be justified , then we need to show that [ 12 ] yields contextual effects not yielded by [ 31 ] : It seems to me that in contrast with [ 31 ] , [ 12 ] draws the hearer 's attention to the fact that this was n't ordinary , plain running .
16 If this decision were to be upheld , the appellants stand to lose their liberty and , in my judgment , it would not be right that such a result should occur when the evidence is excluded only on the basis of the rather stricter rules laid down in Ladd v. Marshall .
17 If this facility is of over-riding importance to you , and you can find a pantograph for the Spectrum ( which I could n't ) that 's cheaper I 'd say buy the pantograph !
18 If this conjecture is at all sound , then the distribution of occurrences of both in conjunction with a pronoun should be more prevalent in just those cases where plural references are in the minority , i.e. in the ‘ with ’ condition , and in the mixed description condition .
19 If this attack is to be , I too will be needed at Famagusta .
20 We strongly suggest that if this preparation is to be attempted it be done on a small scale and the reaction mixture be checked for unreduced bis(2-azidoethyl)ether before removal of chloroform and distillation of the diamine .
21 The Broad Sanctuary houses were common-place and unattractive , and it was ‘ an important question of principle ’ if this style was to be applied to other public building .
22 If this event is about affirming their status amongst the youthful pretenders to the acid crown , then Hawkwind and Planet Gong have loaded the dice in their favour by monopolising the prime-time slots .
23 It is not worthwhile retrieving the matched word strings themselves if the number of matches is too large , but it is if this number is within a reasonable limit .
24 In the case of Irish union the pre-existing parliaments are nowhere expressly abolished ; on the other hand , it is nowhere stated , or implied of necessity , in any of the union legislation , that one of the pre-existing parliaments was continued under a new style and , indeed , if this view were to be adopted , one is left with the question as to which of the two pre-existing parliaments it is which has survived .
25 Nonsuiting the plaintiff , Lord Kenyon C.J. said , ‘ If this action was to be supported , it would materially affect the navigation of this kingdom .
26 Would you say that if this pattern were to be repeated all through the night we would run out of dry-roasted nuts just before the important watershed of midnight , whereas we would still have a surplus of the ordinary variety ?
27 If this arrangement is to be varied a special condition is required .
28 ‘ Anyone living in Florence would have a heart attack if this thing was on their doorstep . ’
29 ‘ It would be outrageous if this House were to be by-passed in some way by a nit-picking legalistic exercise simply to get round the political difficulties facing the Government in a situation where they are likely to be defeated on amendment 27 , ’ he said .
30 If this war is about justice , then is it not time that the Iraqi opposition of democratic and progressive forces be recognised ?
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