Example sentences of "if [pers pn] is to be " in BNC.

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1 Likewise in the case of Lewis 's Eve : if she is ransomed by Ransom 's struggle with the Un-Man in the underworld , a sort of Harrowing of Hell sequence , how can she be said to have resisted the temptation on her own ; and if she has not really resisted through her own strength — if she is to be rewarded with immortality and felicity for something she has not done herself — where is the justice in the punishment , on another planet , of Eve and her descendants , for something which again was not wholly her responsibility ?
2 That is , if she is to be believed .
3 Make up two sentences to show if she is to be told or not — watch them as you say them — hear them in your mind 's ear .
4 " recommend earnestly to them to purchase Timber , that may answer the purpose , from the wreck of the Brig stranded on Duich Bay , if she is to be broken up … "
5 To the question , therefore , which ought to hold the first rank , Raphael or Michelangelo , it must be answered , that if it is to be given to him who possessed a greater combination of the higher qualities of the art than any other man , there is no doubt but Raphael is the first .
6 If , as I have argued , thought and consciousness irreducibly escape the net of physicalist interpretation , and if , as I have suggested , the external world must possess the mind-like property of generality if it is to be conceivable , then we can see that Socrates ' assertion in the Phaedo , that the world must be explained by reference to mind , was essentially correct .
7 The ADC felt that this was ironic , given that a property has to be close to amenities if it is to be excluded from the Right to Buy ;
8 Dance movement in every form and style must be correctly parsed and expressed if it is to be clearly understood whether its message is simple , subtle , bold , comic or tragic .
9 Any untoward or awkward transition is immediately noticeable because it destroys the calm dignity that the human body needs if it is to be shown at its best .
10 Balance is difficult to define in simple terms and requires great sensitivity by journalists if it is to be achieved .
11 Reversing this trend , if it is to be reversed , can not be achieved by a new minimalism .
12 Climate modelling and assessing environmental change will need more than three years ' data if it is to be enhanced .
13 The Labour Party will need to develop a plausible vision for the future of the NHS if it is to be seen as a credible alternative to the present government .
14 If it is to be more than a symbolic marker of the moment when North and South decided in principle to work together for mutual survival , a number of decisions on how to administer it will have to be made .
15 This is partly because its product , type , must be familiar if it is to be legible .
16 Pasha Naiz and his death were evocative in consequential ways ; they were part of an idiom which was largely inexplicit ( though not unstructured ) but which has to be made explicit if it is to be understood by people who do not have it .
17 ‘ I would much rather forgo your interest if it is to be tempered with interference ! ’ she spat through pursed lips .
18 Any attempt to inject market disciplines must take account of this essential feature of social care ( social work ) if it is to be constructive rather than destructive .
19 If it is to be felt by the participants then it is not too much to suggest that it should be understood by the teacher .
20 All I can say to you is that if it is to be good news , it would give me more pleasure than I can say ; and if it is to be bad — I have gone through it , and Anne , and many others , and one does survive and go on , though you think you never will …
21 All I can say to you is that if it is to be good news , it would give me more pleasure than I can say ; and if it is to be bad — I have gone through it , and Anne , and many others , and one does survive and go on , though you think you never will …
22 The results presented so far imply that the information acquired during non-reinforced exposure to a stimulus , like that acquired as a consequence of other conditioning procedures , requires the presence of appropriate contextual cues if it is to be fully retrieved .
23 this apparently buys an exhibition gallery utterly inadequate to host even a moderately-sized show ; a restaurant not large enough to serve both staff and members and be an income-generating venue for the public ; a bookshop that needs twice as much space if it is to be the premier one in England ; library and drawings storage that will mean costly out-housing as soon as the new facility is opened ; and finally — my own personal quibble — a drawings collection that will have lost its allure as a magnet for donor support .
24 If it is to be baled or carted it is most important that it is well and evenly dried .
25 And , if it is to be some planning , the need , then , is to focus on that approach which will best produce the results desired .
26 Subject matter has to be made more generally intelligible if it is to be seen no longer as self-contained but as part of a wide and complex body of knowledge .
27 There is thus a proliferation of public examinations of a practical kind , any of which may be taken at the new schools , of which the GCSE seems to be only one , if it is to be taken at all .
28 These questions are vital for feminism as a whole if it is to be conceived as an international , cross-cultural movement .
29 When receiving professional aromatherapy treatment-especially aromatherapy massage — it is important to feel at ease with your therapist if it is to be of any worth .
30 If it is to be of maximum benefit they must be able to perform monitoring correctly , interpret the results and use the information to modify diet or insulin dose as appropriate .
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