Example sentences of "if [pers pn] be [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And if I were n't the biggest idiot I would have known that , right from the start .
2 By the age of 23 , I 'd starred in a one-man show on Broadway and when the play closed I confronted the truth that if I was n't the star of a play I could n't feed myself .
3 I wonder if I 'm really the best person for the task . "
4 Er but yes you could put your wife and two children and if your wife is fit to do it she can do it , if she is n't the two children can do it instead or her and one of the children to help each other out .
5 The eldest daughter , even if she is not the eldest child , is much more likely to be asked by her mother to help in the care of younger children than is an eldest son .
6 If she is not the person she purports to be , it may be argued in law that the will is invalid .
7 If she were not the daughter of such an important family … ’
8 It was already beginning to feel as if the last four years had never happened ; as if she were still the confused , angry , raw-nerved girl she had been when he had finally walked out on her .
9 She was a woman , and , even if she was hardly the sophisticate Nicolo imagined her to be , at least she knew what passion was .
10 By the time you 've finished , if you are n't the best of mates and invited down for a vair long weekend in the cuntrair , I can only say — Air nair .
11 ( Scots get very querulous if you 're not the person they thought they were ringing . )
12 If you 're not the kind of person who is used to daydreaming , try a simple one first .
13 If you 're not the patient but are visiting someone in hospital and ca n't afford the fares , ask your Social Security office if you can get help .
14 If you 're not the man I love and if you do n't love me , then I am not available . ’
15 ‘ I expect you do n't expend much spirit if you 're still the old Nigel we all know and love , ’ Fran said .
16 And that last er apo er citation was authorized by Dutch or you can blame him if we are n't the best .
17 If they are not the risk of a tragic outcome is more likely .
18 Malos also said social workers needed to realise children were indirect victims of domestic violence : ‘ A lot of evidence is coming to light about the effects of domestic violence on children even if they are not the objects of the violence . ’
19 If they are not the determination is ultra vires .
20 If they are then the Act will apply .
21 He might well exclude old statutes like those forbidding contraception , however clear and precise these might be , if they are only the relics of long-abandoned policies , if they represent no contemporary political decision and therefore serve no useful role in coordinating social behaviour now . "
22 But London experiences the " provinces " as if they were up the Amazon , up a mysterious not to say treacherous jungle path .
23 If they were not the point behind the initial categorisation is nullified or at least seriously qualified ; the certainty and predictability would be minimal .
24 His reason is that he can not be sure of what code of manners were followed there and if they were not the same as his it would seem as if he were almost a bully in chasing down someone below his class .
25 If they were , it would almost certainly mean a major row , but even if they were n't the prospects were n't too bright .
26 So if they were where the machine was planing or moulding or whatever , the material 'd be sucked away like ours is into bins and then that used to go with the material we used to get .
27 Even if the black hole did emit the right kinds of particles , one could not tell if they were actually the same particles that had gone down the other hole .
28 And if it be not the fact , it can not be apparent to the judges …
29 You know , and if it is just the way it happens , particularly when you get a er , an envelope with says here you are , have free drinks , you know that some people , they do n't drink at all so they can go to somebody else and say here you are .
30 If it is nevertheless the case that Molla Husrev presented this work , a part of it , or another work to Mehmed II in 878 , the point made above would hold good .
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