Example sentences of "if [pers pn] [vb base] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 If I make money I I 'll make you I can pay you as well , if I go up I mean if I go down , he said , I can go up or down as well , he said .
2 But if I reveal details it may compromise other possibilities . ’
3 If I use violence I descend to his level .
4 ‘ Not if I know Chopper. 'E 'll most prob'ly get a cab an' then do anuvver runner , ’ Freddie laughed .
5 If I ask questions they 'll wonder what I 'm up to but you can wheedle information out of them in general conversation . ’
6 Exley , at 30 almost a veteran , but who had had an impressive run in this year 's championships , vowed : ‘ I 'll be back next year and if I meet Eric I 'll beat him . ’
7 And I , if I pay cash I would n't , you know ,
8 I do not want to play games in colour on my TV , I can do household accounts with a piece of paper and a pencil , I can learn languages easier from a book and a tape recorder , if I want information I can look it up and read it far faster than I can get it from a screen and I can turn back with a nip of the finger and read it again .
9 I use it normally on a clean setting , but if I want distortion I tend to go through a BOSS Turbo Overdrive pedal and then into the Rock Box .
10 If I do correlations I mean is that gon na be absolute massive job ?
11 Another said , ‘ Well , if I cross the road I might get run over , and if I have sex I might get AIDS .
12 I got in there and I thought cos I wanted bacon and eggs but I thought if I have breakfast I 'm gon na think well .
13 All conditional sentences may begin with the subordinate if clause or start with the main clause : If I have time I shall go .
14 If ye read Prescott ye 'll get the impression Pizarro crossed the Andes and destroyed the great empire of the Incas with just forty horse and sixty foot .
15 If you plant coffee it 's about five years before you can harvest any coffee .
16 If you use windows it is worth putting applications that you might need to use at the same time on different drives .
17 If you use drugs you need to think about the following :
18 If you use milk it might not go completely solid but you should still manage to get some lumps of frozen milk .
19 If you use ozone it is worth considering the installation of both types of skimmer , as constant use of ozone can ruin your expensive power skimmer by making its plastic very brittle .
20 You must decide at the start whether to go to court or use arbitration ; if you use arbitration you can not start court action afterwards .
21 You must decide at the start whether to go to court or use arbitration ; if you use arbitration you can not start court action afterwards .
22 If you use punishment you are likely to get eaten , so there 's fairly strict quick er selection for appropriate behaviour .
23 Even if you support Birmingham you want to see whats happening down the street .
24 I mean these things are niggling and if you write poems you would write a poem about it .
25 We did if you remember Colin we did erm produce some figures about break evens er which I gave to you and
26 Marion , if you 've things you 're wanting , give Andrew a note of it .
27 Perhaps if you 've time you could walk over with me . ’
28 So , if it comes out as one , one squared is one so you 've accounted for a hundred percent or all of the variants in the other variable which means that if you know X you automatically know Y , or if you know Y you automatically know X. When you 're doing a correlation study , it 's very hard to work out what 's the dependent and what 's the independent variable because by it 's nature you do n't know .
29 And I said , yes you see , gave her a try and so she went if you know Frinton you could go , in those days
30 So , if it comes out as one , one squared is one so you 've accounted for a hundred percent or all of the variants in the other variable which means that if you know X you automatically know Y , or if you know Y you automatically know X. When you 're doing a correlation study , it 's very hard to work out what 's the dependent and what 's the independent variable because by it 's nature you do n't know .
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