Example sentences of "if [pers pn] [be] to be " in BNC.

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1 If I am to be punished unfairly , could we return to the subject of volunteering for the Parachute School ? ’
2 If I am to be disappointed , I should like to get it over . ’
3 Therefore , much as I may myself enjoy theatre-going and much as I may cheer when I see a full theatre , I must contain my own enthusiasm if I am to be a cool observer .
4 Planning over an 11-year period could , I believe , bring about a veritable revolution , especially if the whole curriculum ( both subjects and cross-curricular themes ) can be welded together , but I want to see some rapid practical progress if I am to be reassured .
5 If I am to be autonomous , God must go .
6 During the time I spent at home I seem to have eaten nothing but apples and , if I am to be believed , an inordinate number of them .
7 ’ — And if I am to be a great Kha-Khan , I ought to be able to recognise when I am being told the truth . ’
8 He said : ‘ I am doing it my way and if I am to be able to beat Alain Prost I want to do it on the track by out-driving him , not by any other means .
9 If I were to be wrapped up warmly , and … ’
10 The nut appears to be plastic and , if I were to be really picky , has been cut a hair on the high side .
11 If I were to be critical it would be to say that the scratchplates could be finished off more tidily , and occasionally the necks and bodies do n't look entirely new — although that 's hardly surprising , really .
12 If I were to be denied my belief in the almost limitless potential of my students , I 'd give up .
13 But it or if I were to be thinking I 'd say , Is n't he .
14 If I was to be arrested , I would be arrested with dignity .
15 : I did the only thing I could think of , and retired to bed ; if I was to be a blade of grass doomed to be trampled flat , then I might as well accept it and lie down .
16 Some boys if I 'm to be honest , but we have n't yet worked out the right way of gong about it .
17 Many people have found its traditional keystrokes to be somewhat less than mnemonic , an opinion I tend to subscribe to , if I 'm to be honest .
18 Likewise in the case of Lewis 's Eve : if she is ransomed by Ransom 's struggle with the Un-Man in the underworld , a sort of Harrowing of Hell sequence , how can she be said to have resisted the temptation on her own ; and if she has not really resisted through her own strength — if she is to be rewarded with immortality and felicity for something she has not done herself — where is the justice in the punishment , on another planet , of Eve and her descendants , for something which again was not wholly her responsibility ?
19 That is , if she is to be believed .
20 Make up two sentences to show if she is to be told or not — watch them as you say them — hear them in your mind 's ear .
21 " recommend earnestly to them to purchase Timber , that may answer the purpose , from the wreck of the Brig stranded on Duich Bay , if she is to be broken up … "
22 What would she do if she were to be discovered ?
23 What if she were to be stranded in the mountains — marooned by a blizzard ?
24 She needed a plan of action , she decided as she began the task of stripping several layers of wallpaper from the walls — a concerted campaign to protect the club , and if she were to be painfully honest , herself , from the marauding hands of the so-called Midnight Raider .
25 If she was to be left at home she showed no interest .
26 Jennifer realised that she would have to run for her train if she was to be home in time ; Steven had booked a table at their favourite restaurant and was due to pick her up at 7.30 .
27 Well , she was generally fed-up , knowing she had to keep resting her ankle if she was to be up and about as soon as possible .
28 For the first time she began to wonder if she was to be given leadership beyond the context of Africa .
29 If she was to be betrayed yet again , then she would go with banners flying , trumpets braying , and no tears to speed her on her way .
30 Oh , lord , he had to be strong if she was to be .
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