Example sentences of "if [pers pn] [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Q What do I do if I wish to be excused attendance at School ?
2 " I could n't have a worse offer if I lived to be a hundred .
3 Something which , if I lived to be two hundred years old then went and announced it at St Paul 's Cross , would rock the very throne of England and scandalise the courts of Europe !
4 If I wished to be cruel about the discussion this far , I would suggest that it has the evasive character of much comparative writing .
5 I 'd go mad if I had to be tidy as well as everything else .
6 and there was another one across the way and she was deteriorating , she was getting nervous right there , see if I had to be brought away you know
7 On orders from the new Earl , my visits to the house were to be permitted only if I agreed to be supervised .
8 MY later visits to Althorp were allowed only if I agreed to be supervised
9 I could go to chapel if I agreed to be confirmed when I was older .
10 I must also apologize if I seemed to be trying to put you off them .
11 If I wanted to be pretentious , I might call this paper an investigation of the sociology of literature .
12 Before I could say , ‘ You bastards ’ , they were specks in the mist as I huddled from the blizzard behind a boulder wondering if I wanted to be sick yet .
13 If I wanted to be happy I should have avoided the pub altogether , or at least had nothing stronger than mineral water .
14 I was at the Edward II wrap party and someone asked me if I wanted to be in a film .
15 A deaf therapist said : ‘ They felt that if I wanted to be on the course , I 'd got to manage the same as everyone else .
16 If I wanted to be a doctor or a lawyer , I could be one tomorrow .
17 I like them like that because what I tend to do with so I like them that big because then I can cut them up into sticks , stick them in the fridge , then if I feel like being naughty not ever so naughty because I 'm nibbling at carrots rather than a packet of crisps or something .
18 ‘ But , if I promise to be very quiet , may I stay ? ’
19 ‘ Well , I 've lived her all my married life , and if I promise to be very discreet , not gossip about it … ’
20 It 's as if we 're taking responsibility for men 's problem , but if I want to be safe , I feel I have to .
21 I ask myself if I want to be more like the slim women whom I admire than like my own thin body .
22 ‘ I do n't know if I want to be doing this in ten years ’ time but I certainly believe it is important to plan ahead .
23 Every time I looked in the mirror — and I can be a very careful driver if I want to be — I saw the languid bride with shuttered eyes and hair adrift .
24 They are trying to guard me … but until I see for myself , how do I decide if I want to be protected ?
25 If I live to be 110 , I shall doubtless feel no more alien than anybody else in the prevailing subtopia because nobody will be working out-of-doors .
26 If I live to be one thousand years of age , I ( and no other man ) will never really fathom the female psyche .
27 He even added a comment : ‘ This was written by Eled in an attempt to spoil the Book , but it will remain if I live to be 100 . ’
28 ‘ Not if I live to be a hundred . ’
29 I do n't understand it , if I live to be a hundred I wo n't understand it .
30 If I happen to be pondering them when about to cross the street , and the green light has changed to yellow , ‘ Be aware ’ resumes all its authority ; never mind that at another level of discourse physics dismisses colour as subjective , unreal .
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