Example sentences of "if [pron] [vb past] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If no-one saw the caravan being towed along any of the main roads in the area , then Allen believes the gang may have stored it somewhere in the vicinity .
2 If everyone spoke the truth we might avoid future dangers . ’
3 I do not criticise , I merely observe ; and I 'm not sure what I would think if everyone lined the rail to admire the play of light on the water and started discussing Boudin .
4 Of course he 'd sue me for slander if I made the accusation publicly .
5 On the other hand I was afraid that if I made the driver sound too important he might end up under the wheel of a bus instead of behind one .
6 ‘ But that would look rude — as if I thought the house was n't warm enough , which it really is with all that paraffin burning away . ’
7 ‘ Would it make you feel any better if I took the cardigan down to her , ’ said Yanto .
8 If I took the food away from her too often , though , there was a danger she would lose interest , so I had to give in to her a few times .
9 ‘ We are a bit thin on the ground up front but if I stuck the cleaner and laundry lady out there I know they would give me 110 per cent . ’
10 If I felt the conference was a political one I would be the first one to pull out . ’
11 I wondered what would happen if I ignored the call or pretended it was n't me , but I had a strong feeling that they knew it was me .
12 If I saw the duck-rabbit as a rabbit , then I saw : these shapes and colours ( I give them in detail ) — and I saw besides something like this : and here I point to a number of different pictures of rabbits .
13 So if I saw the mountain , outlined by the rising sun at dawn , I could say to myself that though it was Saturday morning here what I was witnessing at the same moment was dawn on Friday , the day before .
14 By Ixmar , if I knew the scoundrel 's whereabouts , I 'd have his guts !
15 Suddenly , out o' the blue , 'e asked me if I knew the Tunnel Mob .
16 If I knew the way back , then I could walk , but I do n't think I know the way from here .
17 If I knew the answer I would put it right .
18 If I knew the answer to that , I 'd be a manager in the First Division instead of a player in the Third . ’
19 As the two of us struggled with an awkward table at the 3p.m. closure of a day in Christian Aid Week 1992 , my companion asked me if I knew the answer to number 13 in Duncan Innes ' C.A. Quiz .
20 ( Perhaps if I knew the language , I would not have time for these facile analogies . )
21 If I betrayed the pact between myself and The Fat Controller he would undoubtedly destroy me , fillet me , excarnate me in the screaming void .
22 I worked every single day and at night too , if I got the chance .
23 I felt I ought to try and phone him at home to tip him off — if I got the chance .
24 It 's always been on my mind — I suppose it always will — and I 've always said that if I got the opportunity to kill the man I 'd do it , and I would take the consequences .
25 ‘ I would be a liar if I said the thought of being shot at did n't cross my mind .
26 So the gradient gives you a mea If I gave you the gradient , if I said the gradient is one , what would the angle be ?
27 If getting to the last eight of the Scottish Cup makes it look as if I have taken to management like a duck to water , I would be telling lies if I said the job was easy .
28 Look , I 'm feeling better , I could get great again , I 'm sorry if I wrecked the evening .
29 So I did — my mother had that drawing for many years — and then Mr Moore rang my mother and said that it was so nice having me in his class because I was so interested and keen , but there was n't really a lot of point , and would n't it be better if I played the piano ?
30 If I ruled the world everyone would sing and shout , war and bombs are the things I would throw out .
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