Example sentences of "their [noun pl] and that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 So , the other things that had erm we 've endeavoured to incorporate is to try and not divide the estate , one of the one of the aims of the master plan has been to seen to integrate bungalows and any new housing together and in a number of respects the demolition of the terraced blocks and the er er , putting back of more conventional two storey housing has allowed us to do this by rather than having a access road running the whole length of the estate and similarly the that are running past the length of the estate away from the houses we 've we 've put the houses where the road is and the road where the house , where the terraced blocks were , erm to form more of a conventional street scape so that people can look out on their cars and that we , you actually got the new houses facing the existing ones .
2 He realised that the Communist parties had lost touch with their peoples and that he could not logically denounce Stalinist terror and neo-Stalinist stagnation in his own country without accepting the same for the countries which Stalin forcibly incorporated into the Soviet empire .
3 If we look at it another way , we can suggest that many physics students feel that they must accept what they are told by their departments and that they find it difficult to challenge what they are told .
4 Mention that doctors like to play tricks on plaintiffs to test their symptoms and that they must assume that they will be under close scrutiny at all times .
5 Parents need time to understand how their problems affect their children and that it is possible to help them with management issues if they work together and support each other .
6 Orkney said that jockeys were worried that they were missing rides , that other jockeys would do well on their horses and that they would not get them back .
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