Example sentences of "their [noun pl] to [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 But they are unlikely to make real progress unless they are helped to formulate their own ideas explicitly and then look for evidence and compare their views to those of others .
2 In a letter to Peter Brooke , Secretary of State at the Department of National Heritage , the Council for the protection of Rural England and the Council for British Archaeology have joined their voices to that of the National Trust in calling for a public review of the new strategy .
3 Its growth , therefore , does not come about by territorial gains , but by individuals and groups submitting their wills to that of their Heavenly King .
4 Their responses to some of the items were predictably conservative .
5 They added their prayers to those of the other women .
6 Henceforward the Americans became involved in the fate of South Vietnam , tying their fortunes to those of the Diem government .
7 Much of the emphasis on set theory in Lacan and others , as well as the similarity of certain of their ideas to those of Gödel , whose work Cavaillès utilizes , can be attributed to his influence : indeed it would be possible to argue that the whole emphasis in post-war French thinkers on a non-contradictory heterogeneity in which incompatible or incommensurable elements are juxtaposed against or as part of each other is derived as much from set theory as from Freud .
8 Both had for a period apprenticed their ideas to those of Graham Sutherland and both paid homage to Picasso , Vaughan equating him with Auden and Bartók as an artist who had evolved ‘ a coherent vocabulary of form appropriate to our life ’ .
9 GLP principles are essentially identical in their aims to those of TQM .
10 Snow 's article illustrates Schaffer 's argument that mothers ‘ dovetail ’ their behaviours to that of their infants .
11 Seven years later they 've just completed their guides to all of mainland Britain , with some sections of it in their fifth editions .
12 They owned a circus tent with its own seating and turned their hands to most of the acts , but have not been able to pay debts estimated at £60,000 or more .
13 Thereupon the appellants changed their pleas to guilty of unlawful possession and were convicted and sentenced .
14 On 16 October , the judge rejected the submissions and on 17 October , the appellants , together with three co-accused , changed their pleas to guilty of handling in respect of each of the transactions in which they were involved .
15 LONELY among the Indians whom they had subjugated , and whom they therefore feared , the Spanish squireens who settled in Central America almost five centuries ago kept themselves to themselves , and married their children to those of their friends .
16 It shows in the opinion polls ' evidence of the Greeks ' growing reluctance to commit their votes to any of the present parties .
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