Example sentences of "their [noun] and make they " in BNC.

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1 Thru enacts this strategy of ‘ wild jay-walking ’ between theories by side-stepping their systematicity and making them into stories .
2 The third section moves on to investigate the nature and effectiveness of British and American mechanisms for exercising democratic control over the police ( i.e. influencing their policies and making them answerable for their behaviour ) .
3 He believed strongly in the psychology of home territory , which invariably put witnesses at their ease and made them more likely to remember little details they might otherwise forget or overlook in strange or foreign surroundings .
4 And he sent for the Bishop of Valencia , and took their vows and made them plight themselves each to the other according as the law directs .
5 She tied a big red-and-white-striped drying-up cloth around each of their waists and made them kneel up to the table on chairs .
6 They were supervised by a Miss Walker who , although she could not dance , also watched over their dances and made them up every night .
7 Among the points she made were the need for care of children , the importance of supporting the NCH , which was doing such a wonderful job for children in need ; and the necessity of seeking out the fathers who abandon their children and making them pay maintenance .
8 ‘ I would envisage a process of discovery , so each party would list documents in their possession and make them available to the other parties . ’
9 A huge steel crane hook suddenly descended quietly between their faces and made them both leap back in alarm .
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