Example sentences of "their [noun] a [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Ralph Waldo Emerson 's remark stands as a typical example : ‘ As men 's prayers are a disease of the will , so are their creeds a disease of the intellect . ’
2 It is also true that the growing body of scientific evidence has had one effect in that the agreed levels of exposure to both people who work in the industry or who live in the vicinity of power stations have become steadily more stringent since the early days when it was thought unnecessary to warn military personnel that there was any risk in their presence a matter of miles from an atomic test explosion .
3 After the weekend , the Unionist Whips decided that they had taken things far enough , having wasted an entire week of parliamentary time and given their supporters a sign of the vigour with which the fight was being waged .
4 That control might be exercised on the basis of considerations of sovereignty ; some countries in the civil law tradition see service of process as an act of State , an exercise of its judicial power , and are reluctant to permit within their borders an expression of the sovereignty of another State ; in Switzerland service on behalf of the plaintiff of foreign process without the permission of the Swiss authorities appears to be an offence punishable by imprisonment ( and even , theoretically , solitary confinement and hard labour ) 11 .
5 Under their aegis a range of economically-oriented projects has been effected , including training schemes , science parks , support for small businesses , industrial-improvement projects , and so on .
6 The hardships he accepted with a kind of satisfaction would benefit others and do their work a power of good , he said , and cited as an example a painter friend at The Hague , Theophile de Bock .
7 By the time of Anselm 's death the question was essentially settled and Anselm 's successor Ralph was fighting in a hopeless cause : by the time of Ralph 's death , the instruments of universal government had become sufficiently highly developed to make all that Lanfranc and Anselm had stood for in this aspect of their work a thing of the past .
8 All the Faculty 's students will , by the time they graduate , have been trained to bring to their work an awareness of informatics as a key force in social change and economic advance .
9 If you go to Wembley on Saturday morning you will see women with wide Jari bordered saris with gold embroidery , with necklaces and bangles — all gold — and of course they do n't wear a coat because the full splendour of their clothes must be revealed — on their feet a pair of decorative Chappals — however cold it might be .
10 They had not taken the step of demanding political change to make the decisions which affected their lives a matter of debate and consent before they were taken .
11 If parents have managed to instil in their child a sense of his own worth as an individual , then , whatever knocks that child may encounter as an adult , he will have the inner confidence which will enable him to pull through and make a success of his life — success in this context having nothing to do with money but with achieving one 's aims as an individual , whatever they may be .
12 Barristers may not be sued for negligence if they botch a case in court ; nor as a general rule is their incompetence a ground of appeal against conviction .
13 This undermines the authority of parents , the ones most responsible for passing on to their offspring a sense of right and wrong .
14 Charles is touchingly done — a frail unpublished poet kept going by his wife and son ( the wife is called Vivien , presumably by design , though she is no copy of the first Mrs Eliot ) , their household a breath of fresh air in the conniving , phrase-making milieu to which Charles clings .
15 They breed and multiply at speed and to cope with their ability to sustain their population a number of rabbit-killing methods have evolved by which the stock can be drastically reduced .
16 In their place a gang of county council officials in yellow plastic jackets comes once a year to do God knows what , a little genteel scraping , and disappears off the face of the highway for another twelvemonth at least .
17 In the face of an economic climate characterised by a higher degree of " uncertainty " , a greater volatility in demand for their output and increased pressure to reduce labour costs to a minimum , employers are seeking to build in to their workforces an element of " numerical flexibility " .
18 Although the eventual Report addressed general principles rather than specific disciplinary practices , it did reiterate Reid 's point that the " financial dependence " of the universities made the direction of their development a matter of public interest .
19 Do prisoners have a right to complain about bad conditions or is their predicament a symptom of a wider social problem ?
20 Nuclear Electric paid their staff a bonus of £1600 when they declared their annual results .
21 Nuclear Electric have what they call ‘ gain-sharing schemes ’ at each of their power stations , and those stations which achieved specific targets were able to pay their staff a bonus of up to £1600 .
22 The authorities have at their disposal a range of criminal , civil , and disciplinary deterrents .
23 But revenge is not to be allowed us , for when we turn up at their concert a phalanx of adults is there to make sure the audience behaves .
24 Mainly without concern for their rivals a multitude of people mount .
25 But public sector trade union experience of previous administrations has given their leaders a taste of political power without responsibility ( 1986 : 82 , 89 ) .
26 The formation of this committee marks the beginning of a mass movement away from the false political leaders and against the exploiting capitalist class who have in their wake a trail of human misery , degradation and decay .
27 Whereas the railways in the past had been an integral part of the cityscape , running down main streets , leaving in their wake a succession of railroad crossings on the classic American street grid plan , by the turn of the century they were already disappearing behind fences , into cuttings , or underground , a process which was to be speeded up in the years leading to the First World War .
28 At first some of the monks were loath to enter on a long and expensive case before the pope , but they had among their number a man of mature years , called Thomas of Marlborough , who had been at the schools of Paris and who had taught at Oxford .
29 The residents believe the L-plates flock to Henley because it 's a driving test centre , and instructors want to give their pupils a taste of what 's to come .
30 A few men appeared at the corner of the union building , on their faces a blend of caution and apathy .
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