Example sentences of "their [noun] [modal v] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Argument for such mediation and user support is not uncontested : indeed much library policy and practical imperatives tend towards the encouragement and support of the ‘ self-service virtual library ’ , where academics at their desks can roam information resources without any intermediary intervention .
2 Compared to states or executives , governments tend to be of short duration — state institutions often remain in existence for long periods and officials in the executive may have lifelong careers , while governments come and go ( although some of their personnel may hold office in more than one government ) .
3 Commitments to matching finance are seldom adequately analyzed , and although the recipient governments may carry a good deal of the responsibility for this , donors are also at fault in assuming that the counter-part funds for their projects will have priority .
4 In the muscles the parasites are harmless , but their presence may necessitate trimming of the carcass .
5 Although it is true that some fathers are involved with their children for seconds in a day rather than hours or even minutes , their presence can encourage confidence to make those expeditions and explorations which are vital to the process of child development .
6 He was their Mum 's dad and so their Mum could have HC from him .
7 There will be no guarantee that their investments will see fruition in the regions because staff may move elsewhere to take advantage of opportunities created by improved training and qualification .
8 They wished to discourage anything which gave the superpowers reason to think that their homelands could acquire sanctuary status .
9 Employees aggrieved by the actions of their employers may seek redress through the courts or at an industrial tribunal .
10 The Japanese Foreign Minister Michio Watanabe and his Russian counterpart , Andrei Kozyrev , held cordial discussions in New York City on Sept. 23 in which they agreed that their deputies should resume talks over the disputed territories at the earliest possible opportunity , as a means of paving the way for a rescheduling of the Yeltsin visit .
11 A spokesman for the Amazonian Kayapo Indians , Payacan , says that scientists will be welcome if they can demonstrate that their activities will bring benefits to the Indians , but he adds that : " lots of scientists just come and ask and ask and ask and then go away and we never hear about their results " .
12 Branches should report regularly to the main charity ( we do receive their minutes and annual reports at Head Office ) and their accounts should form part of the main charity 's accounts .
13 Mr Rabin said their exile would curb violence , but Israelis have since killed 69 Arabs and Palestinians 12 Israelis .
14 So even if Jensen does go out of business , their cars will remain kings of the road .
15 People cleaning their homes should wear plastic gloves .
16 As regards the ratification process , both the Italian and Belgian parliaments had declared that their said that their vote would take account of the ( non-binding ) opinion of the European Parliament .
17 Polgar claimed that nothing would change ; when the girls married , their husbands would become part of an extended family .
18 ALAN SHEARER believes both he and Ian Wright have proved their partnership can lead England to the World Cup finals .
19 They will be able to see for themselves where their pictures will take pride of place on the 4,000-ton structure being built for Agip ( UK ) at the SLP Engineering yard in Commercial Street .
20 Some philosophers know a lot about bells and think that everyone who hears ringing noises in their ears must have bats in the belfry .
21 For example , as a defensive measure , the directors of the target and their supporters might acquire shares in the target to place those shares beyond the reach of a hostile bidder .
22 The predominant influence of parties in deciding which of their candidates shall win seats is an inescapable fact of political life , however much some of us may deplore it .
23 Their labours will meet reward , for such servants are as gold in these parts .
24 Government views on national parks , saying their future should take account of the economic and social needs of the local communities , were welcomed yesterday by Ian Kibble , regional secretary of the Country landowners Association .
25 Do you mean that only Nobel laureates and their peers can lay claim to the hallowed occupation of research ?
26 Their consumption may increase sulphate ingestion naturally to quite high amounts .
27 And if we 're combining Morrissey and The Smiths ' covers , it 's only fair to point out the relative regularity with which three others have had their mugs used to shift copies .
28 Parents in mixed marriages who are concerned about how this affects their offspring should take heart from new research .
29 It has been suggested that in species where reproductive success varies more widely among males than females and is influenced by parental investment , parents who can afford to invest heavily in their offspring should produce sons while those that can not do so should tend to produce daughters ( Trivers & Willard , 1973 ) .
30 The pressure groups are urging consumers to choose a less damaging bulb , and are hoping that their campaign will prompt bulb-traders to organise " green " bulb production which will need only minimal spraying .
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