Example sentences of "their [noun] [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They have succeeded in diversifying their course provision well beyond teacher education and in this respect differ only from the polytechnics in making less provision in the areas of science and technology .
2 The Brigadier and the Captain sank their cavalry boots deep into the clay soil and began looking about .
3 Actually some friends of mine were quite confused about what , why they should n't be able to throw their cooking oil away in their bin .
4 Emerson 's closest rivals for the title , Philip Young and Garth McCartney both retired their Sierra Cosworth early in the proceedings .
5 Female mosquitoes produce their courtship call simply by beating their wings .
6 Eligible practices could opt to receive their practice budgets directly from the RHA .
7 Proprietors of the Marquee Club from its original late '50s berth beneath the Academy Cinema on Oxford Street until 19887 , apart from anything else the Pendletons thought it would be nice to gather their musician friends together for a weekend garden party , and so they staged the National Jazz Festival at Richmond Athletic Ground on August 26/27 , 1961 .
8 Winchester were only entitled to conduct their investment business lawfully by reason of being an authorised representative of Norwich Union .
9 Winchester were entitled legitimately to conduct their investment business only by reason of their status as the authorised representative of Norwich .
10 CHANCELLOR Norman Lamont and his wife Rosemary are redecorating their Downing Street home at a cost of tens of thousands of pounds .
11 Urban general practitioners have more direct contact with the hospital clinic , which may have a secondary effect on their management decisions even for patients whom they do not send to the hospital clinic .
12 It covered 1,429 industrial workers and supervisors in England and Wales who could vary their work effort either through working overtime or by producing more in piece work .
13 Their work features prominently in a new international encyclopedia of the revolution .
14 Ninety-four per cent of those surveyed thought recycling was important , but only 36 per cent did any themselves : 64 per cent said that they put all their household waste straight into the bin .
15 The Government sees that it is more accountable for the individual tenants to pay their Council Tax directly to the local authority rather than to the landlord and unfortunately no agency arrangements can be put in place that would allow this .
16 This project looks at a highly distinctive group — migrants from the French Caribbean islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe — who because of their French nationality ( the islands are departements d'outre mer ) and the organised nature of their migration share only in part the socio-economic characteristics of the foreign immigrant population .
17 Mike Norton of the Directory of Social Change says UK-based international companies will find it harder to justify investing their community budgets exclusively at home .
18 ‘ I thought if we could get their nature thing together with your Alps thing , we might both do ourselves a bit of good .
19 The backswing which goes beyond the horizontal might work for John Daly , but most golfers are unable to transfer their body weight correctly from such an extreme position .
20 And a couple of weeks ago I was at a chemical engineering company where the managing director told me that they were now using accountants for their safety experiments instead of rats .
21 The final whistle was greeted with cheers from both sets of supporters , but the Rangers fans were happier as they saw their heroes edge closer to the title .
22 Large numbers of executives base their business decisions solely on opinions .
23 Folivores ( leaf-eaters ) may satisfy their sodium requirement only by consuming soil or water plants , while animals like litter-feeding cockroaches in Amazonia would need to consume 30–40 times their energy requirement of litter to satisfy their phosphorus needs : in fact they eat dead animals as well .
24 We know more about the poor , who have to fill in forms of all kinds in order to receive benefits , than we do about the rich , who have to declare their tax position only to the taxman , in strict confidence .
25 That 's not unusual , because I quite often find that one partner 's not working and therefore they 're not using up their tax allowance so at retirement or before , I can move money into their name , and there are good reasons for doing that .
26 Italy and Switzerland electrified their main-line railways early in this century , but the UK had to wait till the 1960s for electrification from London to north-west England , and the late 1980s to Yorkshire .
27 UNIVERSITIES should gear their publicity machinery away from students and toward industry , In this way , companies that are largely ignorant about research in academe would realise the benefits of collaborating with the educational sector .
28 The Scots opted to retain Derek Stark on the wing and to introduce Adam Roxburgh to the pack for their opening tie today against ACT in the Canberra Sevens .
29 On their last trip to these shores , the Aussies lost their opening match embarrassingly to Ian Botham 's Worcestershire .
30 It might not be the most rave-friendly background , but Ali Ghan and Mark John-Davies put their student rock past to startlingly original effect .
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