Example sentences of "their [noun] [verb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Their operations began on a modest scale , using a small steam engine to drive two pairs of stones and some ancillary equipment , but so successful were their efforts that they installed two new larger engines and built their own warehouse .
2 There have always been small groups of people who have predicted the end of the world on some seemingly significant date ( like the year 1000 ) and sold their possessions to sit on a mountain top .
3 They had come back as a fleet , their sails bellying out under the south-westerly gale , the men shouting to each other across the water to compare catches , and their womenfolk waiting on the beach to help with the unloading and to make a start on the gutting and salting and packing .
4 However , the concerts may not be as thick on the ground as in previous years because the province 's main promoters have had their fingers burnt on a few occasions during festival season and they are not taking any big risks for the remainder of the year .
5 Their fingers skim on the silk
6 ‘ Tasso keeps them apart , though their fingers meet on the pillows of his pastoral .
7 Those now providing voluntary humanitarian relief are merely doing of their own free will and on a small scale what we hope citizens of the rich nations will as soon as possible compel their states to do on a massive scale . ’
8 In fact this put severe restrictions on the committee 's deliberations , and the chairman repeatedly had to advise counsel for both the GMC and the defence that it was not their function to comment on the relative merits or otherwise of alternative forms of medicine .
9 This is bad for everyone ; the local authority complains that their money spent on the facility has been wasted , and motorists complain because they still have to get round the cyclists .
10 We actually believe that the people of would prefer prefer their money spending on the environment and front end services .
11 We actually believe that the people of would prefer prefer their money spending on the environment and front end services .
12 Back room stage so small the performers have to rest their mike stands on the floor in front .
13 But much of their case rests on a proposed strategy of selecting new entrants to the profession more carefully and providing better initial and in-service training in classroom skills .
14 Their case lies on the counter like a mussel ,
15 This demonstrated the importance of family factors in determining the occupational choice of rural school-leavers — nearly 42 per cent of the respondents stated that they had been influenced by their family in their decision to work on the land .
16 trace their insect trails on the flat water .
17 Their friendship began on a bus when he , standing with some students in the gangway , caught her eye and both began laughing .
18 And Alex was accepting the hand-clasp — Cameron and Menzies were rising from the bench to shout a warning , a plea — the coach jerked under them , flinging them backwards , their heads banged on the panelling , they were pounding down the hill towards the crowd , Colberg 's voice yelling ‘ At them ! at them ! ’ , people reeling away on both sides , jumping onto the parapet , a woman screaming , a red wound slashed along her brow .
19 Obviously there had been no notices after the first night , and few of the critics of the major papers would have had time , let alone interest , to give the play a second viewing ; but a North London local paper with a weekly deadline had sent along its critic on the Monday of the second week , and their review appeared on the Thursday .
20 Those who were not , but rose by exceptional ability , were invariably the subject of unfavourable comment , and when successful ( as in the case of Archbishop Willigis of Mainz , 975–1011 ) , it was because their rule drew on the capital of the Adelsheiliger tradition .
21 Everyone in our district used flat hand carts when they moved house — unless they were ‘ doing a moonlight ’ , when their chattels went on a push cart , pram or whatever else was handy .
22 ALNWICK : Three members of the same family were badly hurt when their car crashed on the busy Peppermoor crossroads .
23 ALNWICK : Three members of the same family were badly hurt when their car crashed on the busy Peppermoor crossroads .
24 If , amidst the generally apocalyptic atmosphere of the time , devout Jews were anxiously awaiting the advent of two Messiahs — one royal from David , one priestly from Aaron — they would have had their eyes fixed on a limited number of families .
25 The storm had passed and done its worst ; now the women gathered , dressed alike in full dark skirts and tucked-in blouses , shawls pulled over their heads — re-enacting a painting by Krøyer , their eyes fixed on the sea .
26 Modern scholars , conscious of the large issues involved in this struggle , have generally found this intrusion of the local and material interests of the church of Canterbury at a critical moment incomprehensible , and having their eyes fixed on the historically more important matters of investiture and homage , they have supposed that Anselm 's eyes must also have been similarly directed .
27 The Doctor had expected this to provoke some reaction but the Chelonians remained resolutely silent , their eyes fixed on the big screen that showed a trundling view of their journey through the wastes .
28 They would just stand there , motionless , their eyes fixed on the horizon , scarcely speaking to each other .
29 Then again they would just stand there , or squat down in the shade of a sand hill , their eyes fixed on the two endless parallels , following them out until they joined and lost themselves in the bush .
30 The rest of them kept their eyes fastened on the duke , waiting to see what lay behind his summons .
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