Example sentences of "their [noun] [verb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 Once few dared the wrath of Caledor , for their Dragonriders could ravage a foe 's armies and lands in hours , the great leathery wings of their mounts blotting out the sky with their numbers .
2 Their skin taking on the pallor of death , is the same colour as the linen sheets .
3 Thus David Reynolds and Christopher Thorne have resorted to such phrases as " competitive co-operation " or " allies of a kind " in their attempts to sum up the famous wartime partnership .
4 Seen from a distance at night , the dimly lit vehicles resembled ‘ the folds of some gigantic and luminous serpent which never stopped and never ended ’ On either side of the road their headlamps lit up the bowed backs of the endless columns of marching men .
5 I like it when when wh it floods in town and you can go down and watch foreigners standing looking at the roofs of their cars floating down the Ouse and you think Yeah ! .
6 Their eyes open around the ninth day .
7 The administration of the remedy is like dropping a pebble into the water 's edge , the ripples/waves resulting will depending on their homœopathicity cancel out the energy disturbance of the disease .
8 Gardeners have been inviting the public to look round their allotments to show off the advantages of organic methods of growing vegetables .
9 And every parent has just been sent a letter — which claims ’ both Labour and the Liberal Demcrats have stated their intention to close down the remaining grammar schools . ’
10 It was bitterly cold in the cell-like bedroom and the two girls were huddled on the bed , wrapped in blankets , with cats draped over their feet to keep out the cold .
11 Their lives revolve around the home , unlike in earlier cult shows like Dynasty ( the office , the hotel lobby ) or EastEnders ( the community square ) .
12 But all religions have had their mystical failures who have used their experiences to prop up the ego rather than transcend it and whose behaviour has been very odd indeed .
13 They 'll continue their campaign to win back the security they 'd worked a whole lifetime for .
14 Peasants had shown themselves fully capable of organizing resistance around their traditional village institutions , and their determination to take over the nobility 's land was their own .
15 Composed of military commanders , political officers and Party officials , their concerns range over the entire panoply of administrative and disciplinary functions , as well as troop control and civil-military relations in the USSR 's 16 Military Districts .
16 Lisa 's prize for inspiration and achievement is one of three awarded by the Downs Syndrome Association every year — former Doctor Who Peter Davison , their patron handed out the prizes .
17 One said he had spent some time in South Africa : ‘ The whites used their Bible to do down the black people . ’
18 At these levels , borrowers with savings or investments must be wondering whether it is worthwhile using some of their cash to pay off the mortgage in part or in full .
19 Some companies , including James Capel , the stockbrokers , called in their workforces to clear up the damage .
20 From the other end a party of visitors began their walking stare along the Cages .
21 Their lights picked out the graffiti of long-dead people — prayers , curses , obscenities , threats — and what might have been messages in alien script or in the calligraphy of madness .
22 PUBLICANS are campaigning on behalf of their customers to keep down the price of the pint in the Republic .
23 The leading central banks are expected to redouble their efforts to push down the dollar once the German decision is announced — something which may ease pressure on the pound if it changes the focus of attention in the foreign exchange markets .
24 Because of the limits on income support payments there is increasing evidence of a shortfall between benefit levels and home fees , with resulting pressure on individual residents and their families to make up the deficit .
25 So for a lot of the time , their father takes on the job .
26 From the results of these experiments they appear to have receptors that give direction to their movement to search out the source of this sugar .
27 The members simply have not the time at their disposal to take on the continuous pressure needed to effectively construct a platform for alternative or opposing views .
28 The various patients ' , reactions to their awakenings fill out the picture .
29 The age at which parents want their baby to give up the breast or bottle varies markedly .
30 Tiny figures with wands of fire were milling about the canalside , hopping from boat to boat , their shadows leaping up the faces of the buildings on the other bank as the fleeting light caught them and threw them about .
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