Example sentences of "can not [verb] [conj] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 A system thus can not create or destroy energy .
2 The practical effect of the amendment is to make it clear that an RFL can not supervise or manage the office of a multi-national practice , except where no right of audience or right to conduct litigation is exercised from the office or supervised from it .
3 The Code provides additional safeguards for juveniles , mentally handicapped persons , the deaf and those who can not speak or understand English .
4 Any one investor or writer can not hold or sell more than 1,000 contracts of any one series of a particular class or 2,000 contracts in all the series of any particular class .
5 … the dimension of time has been shattered , we can not love or think except in fragments of time each of which goes off along its own trajectory and immediately disappears .
6 Or perhaps it is that if we try to take on the identity and authority of the Weaving Mother the consequences will be severe ; our own personal weavings are only part of a much greater pattern , which we can not control or take credit for .
7 The National Wildlife Federation warns that voluntary agreements between companies and an agency " which can not verify or enforce the reductions offers little guarantee of progress " .
8 In fact , in every microsecond of perceptual experience there is a tension between the real as refractory , as something we can not choose or will , and the subjective as chosen and willed .
9 The argument advanced in section 1.2 would suggest that we can not explain or understand these changes in the UK economy without understanding the international forces that have acted upon it and which the UK has itself shaped .
10 Some people can not spell and do not care about it .
11 There is absolutely nothing you can not eat or drink if you want to .
12 It can not eat or drink .
13 A character who is held fast can not move or fight , and is treated as prone .
14 Although they are characters they can not move or fight on their own , because they are part of their Mob .
15 It can not move and shoot in the same turn , except that it can be turned to face its intended target .
16 A volley gun can not move and shoot in the same turn except to turn to face its target .
17 A cannon can not move and shoot in the same turn except to turn to face its target .
18 Equipment can not think or solve problems ; humans can .
19 Here they are totally secure , for though the orcs can splash across the Nimrodel — ‘ curse their foul feet in its clean water ! ’ says Haldir — it seems they can not wade or swim the Silverlode .
20 In a properly managed co-operative , the workers will know that their business can not prosper and support excessive wage claims .
21 All too often , when I visit successful schemes throughout the country , I find that they are about to announce that they can not carry on , or that they can not diversify or increase the take-up because the Government have not provided any money .
22 He may regard me as an amateur but the fact is that , due to physical difficulties , I can not pull and twist in a horizontal mode and so I invoked gravity to assist .
23 Now if the child can not interpret and relate the symbols to the animal , then he 's left wondering what the symbols mean , he ca n't relate the symbols to understanding that a cow is spelt verbally as C O W , and he 's left quite mystified , and he does n't know what we 're talking about .
24 Spores of the fungus developing on one particular plant are likely to land on neighbouring plants that are so genetically different that the spores can not germinate and grow .
25 It is true that we can not observe or measure directly mental processes taking place in the brain in the way that we can measure , say , blood flow via a brain scanner .
26 In a dynamic world you can not record and store away every little memo , every little documented change , every little recorded thought , every little written opinion , every little piece of regurgitated data .
27 Indeed the only additional effect of a child being a ward of court stems from its status as such and not from the inherent jurisdiction , for example a ward of court can not marry or leave the jurisdiction without the consent of the court and no ‘ important ’ or ‘ major ’ step in a ward 's life can be taken without that consent .
28 Here there is a maze of rules about what you can and can not do and say but these are infinitely preferable to the alternative — control through official regulations and legislation .
29 In the way of household appliances Joan Hubbard has a single tub washing machine ( one that can not rinse or dry the clothes ) , a vacuum cleaner and a fridge .
30 A retailer who supplies goods to consumers can not exclude or restrict liability for breach of the implied terms , but the retailer 's supplier may exclude liability , if the exclusion satisfies the test of reasonableness .
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