Example sentences of "can [be] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A function can be a many-one mapping or a one-one .
2 Discussion of each individual 's understanding of the overdose can be a potent means of initiating such communication , as well as allowing expression of feelings about the act ( p. 23 ) .
3 Sunshine can be a potent aphrodisiac .
4 But erm can be a rotten thing to work with .
5 This can be a rotten business at times .
6 Though simple in concept , this can be a poor indicator of situations such as one in which a 10g plant and a 1g plant each gain 1g in a week .
7 The outcome of low incomes , frustrated job aspirations , restricted career structures and unemployment can be a poor quality of life .
8 ‘ The WBC are not interested in a unification fight with the WBO but I do n't see any problems as it can be a simple defence of Paul 's WBC title . ’
9 Breeding Rasboras can be a simple matter with certain species , notably the Scissortails and the Gold Striped Rasboras mentioned above .
10 A tantrum can be a simple process of children losing their temper , lying on the kitchen floor , and screaming in anger for two minutes .
11 In the context of a directed consideration of methodology in general , the explanation by a colleague of how he planned a particular exercise or sequence can be a greater source of stimulation than a high-level lecture by an educational pundit whose circumstances and limitations are not immediately clear .
12 A fight on the ground against gunmen familiar with their local hills and woods can be a bloody business .
13 But even if we allow that this can be a beneficial experience , we must question the wisdom of seeing it as the only valid way in which reading can be learned .
14 The presence of the old can be a beneficial discipline , if not an inspiration , to the new .
15 So this check can be a misleading way of vetting the accuracy of what women applying for credit have said about their housing .
16 Unusually , you may think , I shall not be listing and suggesting varieties for you to grow because I think that can be a misleading business and is not really helpful .
17 If you want your son to leave his paddling pool on a hot afternoon and trot quietly round the supermarket alongside your trolley , then promising to buy ice-cream for tea can be a reasonable bargain .
18 ‘ The body can be a hideous betrayer , ’ he said .
19 In a working relationship between female teacher and pupil there can be a healthy realism .
20 Financial pressure plus isolation can be a deadly cocktail for a sector of society which has by the nature of its calling ready access to the means of self-destruction .
21 Financial pressure plus isolation can be a deadly cocktail for a sector of society which has by the nature of its calling ready access to the means of self-destruction .
22 He can be a deadly enemy ; keep him there in imagination .
23 Bargaining can be a business-like event , exploring the ground each party wants to cover on every point at issue .
24 Coaching can be a great help — but it can also get in the way , for slavishly following a pedantic teacher can produce very strange results , with the candidate ending up trying to sound like someone he or she is n't .
25 Visiting friends can be a great help for this , and you can ask them to come prepared with items to read to the patient , or ideas to discuss .
26 A companion on a night fishing session can be a great help too .
27 The full length mirror can be a great help by enabling the child to look at things he is wearing which he may be trying to describe .
28 The technique of storyboarding can be a great help in the planning of a movie .
29 It is the same spray material that has been used for ages on potatoes and other crops , and can be a great help here also .
30 Learning about both pregnancy and birth at antenatal classes can be a great help .
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