Example sentences of "can [adv] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For a long time it has been known that heavy drinking during pregnancy can badly affect a baby 's development so that when it is born , its face and head are deformed and it is mentally backward .
2 Paramount closed down its London office in 1968 , declaring that ‘ we now feel that by coordinating and controlling our production activities in Hollywood we can effectively control a programme that will continue to draw from a talent pool all around the world . ’
3 Nevertheless , failures will be encountered and such failures can eventually attain a degree of seriousness that constitutes a serious crisis for the paradigm and may lead to the rejection of a paradigm and its replacement by an incompatible alternative .
4 Random gain-and-loss of variants through such jumping mechanisms can eventually homogenise a family in all individuals .
5 Yet he passes with such unerring accuracy and hunts every ball with such determination that his opponents can rarely claim a winner until the umpire calls the score .
6 Thus , under certain circumstances intermediate good prices in the unintegrated sector can rise as a result of integration , and vertical merger can thereby cause a rise in final good prices .
7 It is my firm belief that if you can successfully run a group with elderly dementing people — you can run it with any client group .
8 So you can all do a summary , every single one of you , okay .
9 erm I 'm not going to keep you very long because I 've nearly finished talking so erm when I 've finished perhaps you would like to bring some of your things up and put them on the table and we can all have a look at them .
10 I think we can all learn a thing or too from that oh er that sounded nice that that sounds even better , oh I 've cracked it right down the bloody middle
11 Erm And you can all get a copy of this is you want to write to the water authority .
12 And an inefficient billing system can so irritate a client as to lead to the eventual loss of the account by the agency .
13 Greenfly can literally suck a plant dry
14 We can merely give a number of examples .
15 They seem to be a simple , happy-go-lucky folk who are content if they can merely catch a bus or two each day , and find a bit of a gap in the traffic to nip through , and survive till bedtime .
16 A pixel addressable printer can obviously reproduce a bit mapped image , and page description formats have developed to allow this .
17 These glittering occasions can obviously put a strain on any wardrobe , and the clear answer these days is to hire , rather than buy , a ballgown .
18 It 's one that we can perhaps put a bit of pressure on if we issue an application for you by getting ACAS involved and seeing whether ACAS can either get you back there or er get you a compensation off them .
19 You have no helpers and can only devote a total of 4 hours observation time to the task on any day .
20 erm We 've got to recognise the professional advice that Matthew is giving us in this report , that he , he needs professional trained staff , and it grieves me that really we can only offer a technician when he is asking for something more .
21 Your release may be 600 words but , if the editor can only print a story of 400 , the easiest means of editing is to cut the last part of the story .
22 That prompted judge Robert Watson from the USA to interject : ‘ Judges can only score a foul if it is reported to them by the referee . ’
23 The head of an agency can not typically ensure that his subordinates behave in a way that is exactly specified ; he can only design a policy to which they respond , and his perception of their response shapes the design .
24 In such circumstances , the historian can only present a number of different wage histories .
25 They did n't say , as the teds did , I can only wear a drape They 'd mix it a bit , getting into biker stuff and cap-sleeved T-shirts .
26 Oh yes they are they 're nice presents and erm she said she is is sort of in charge of his suits and he can only wear a suit she takes a suit to the cleaners every three weeks .
27 If the referee has any doubt as to whether or not a try would have been scored he can only award a penalty , exactly the decision in the final .
28 Buddhists call such anxiety an ‘ unskilful state ’ because it can only embed a person in the ego he is seeking to transcend .
29 Whatever the merits of this analysis of the structural location of people in production , these positions can only form a foundation for the processes of status , closure and reproduction which transform these structural relationships into a lived reality of social divisions .
30 As a physician of Italian origin , I can only express a sense of surprise and shame which , I hope , is shared by the whole Italian biomedical community .
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