Example sentences of "can [not/n't] be [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 Waiting lists ca n't be seen as bus queues
2 I do n't see why Invermoriston or Loch Laggan ca n't be seen as a fixed address .
3 Now remember they 're not they ca n't be counted as your boss
4 But she ca n't bless the communion wine and wafers because only a priest can do that and at present women ca n't be ordained as priests .
5 The onset of puberty may occur as early as eleven or twelve and can not be reckoned as the sign of having reached adult status .
6 The balance of payments in the period immediately after the Second World War can not be treated as a simple economic constraint , imposing inescapable policy responses .
7 Bodies or groups of human beings may have legally recognized rights and duties , which can not be treated as the rights and duties of the members .
8 Newman argued that as a commitment in the light of evidence that can not be treated as proof , religious belief is like rather than unlike other forms of belief .
9 We may raise , although this is not yet the place to answer , the question : does he need any aesthetic standards which can not be treated as implications of ‘ Be aware ’ ?
10 And the confrontation with Germany and Austria-Hungary , which triggered the upheaval , can not be treated as a purely extraneous catastrophe unrelated to Russia 's social , economic and political development .
11 While the case may appear to support the Woolwich principle it can not be treated as a decision of any weight .
12 Until I hear from Bessie , or see for myself , that you are really trying to behave better , you can not be treated as a good , happy child , like my children . ’
13 NHS professionals normally perceive day hospitals as a possible alternative to hospital admission for people who are acutely ill and can not be treated as outpatients or at home , as a place for recently discharged short-term in-patients to attend for a period while settling back into normal life , and as a place to treat , monitor and give social support to long-term patients who would otherwise live isolated lives .
14 Conclusive evidence that the bare and to infinitives can not be treated as meaningless variants is provided however by Jespersen 's observation that there are some cases where both forms can occur in the same context .
15 Finally , although characters within the play itself can not be treated as objective observers , there are occasions , as with McKendrick 's sardonic comment on Anderson 's urbanity , where their statements on others in the play may be accurate and influential on our interpretation of characters .
16 From this point of view , societal characteristics can not be explained as the product of actors ' choices , since these choices are themselves the product of socialisation .
17 These are then sub-divided by sorting the sherds in each group into rim sherds ( from the top of the pot ) , base sherds ( from the bottom of the pot ) , fragments of handles , and body sherds ( sherds from any other part of the pot that can not be recognized as the base , rim or handle ) .
18 Some are intended to escape discovery ; some can not be recognized as pollution ; and some are events which are impossible to predict .
19 An EC statement issued on July 20 , following a ruling from the EC Arbitration Commission , declared that the new federation formed by Serbia and Montenegro " can not be accepted as the sole successor " to former Yugoslavia , and that the EC would " oppose the participation of Yugoslavia in international bodies " .
21 Suppose further that this particular wave function can not be written as a simple product of two single-particle wave functions , one for each particle .
22 It was therefore apparent that the specific practice of lawyers can not be theorised as social control .
23 If the unconscious means anything whatsoever , it is that the relation of self and others , inner and outer , can not be grasped as an interval between Polar and opposites but rather as an irreducible dislocation of the subject in which the other inhabits the self as its condition of possibility .
24 I do think , however , that we should hit the Enemy in the public world , and even set up outposts and command centres there , as long as we do not forget that the kingdom can not be built as a nation state or a political empire .
25 One has to call Piaget a ‘ thinker ’ because he can not be categorized as an educationist or a psychologist .
26 Accounting can not be studied as a single honours degree .
27 However , description is not a privileged area of objective study , and the presentation of socio-cultural conditions of other societies can not be viewed as a final explanation of other institutions and values , but must be thought of as part of the observer 's reconstruction of their own understanding of the institutions and values .
28 Leaving aside his rather literal interpretation of child sexual abuse statistics , sexual abuse can not be viewed as a discrete phenomenon but must be placed on a continuum of abusive behaviour perpetrated by men and women .
29 It can not be incorporated as a handy extra methodological tool to be resorted to when all else fails .
30 In the Midlands and south of England values average out at roughly £20-£30 per thousand acres , but although this represents an average of about 6d. an acre — which was near enough the going rate for rent — it can not be employed as a general conversion factor , for while it may be applicable to a county or other major division , the ratios for individual parishes and hamlets are subject to extreme variations .
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