Example sentences of "can [vb infin] [conj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Er I do n't know if I can answer that I suspect not .
2 It can wait until I get back to London , ’ Maggie said quickly .
3 That 's , that 's Now when you 've got an A squared minus B squared , you can factorize that I mean you could just do that on your calculator , and do it in one go , but it 's quite easy to do it as three point O one .
4 In fact I mean you can buy or I mean you 've got the record of erm how far back , you could invite all the existing , living parish councillors , so far as we could , and , and that , that would be , I think that would be fascinating .
5 ‘ It 's only a bunch of flowers , ’ he said , pleased with her response , ‘ although I can guarantee that I have bought them , and have n't picked them on the way over .
6 So you can guarantee if I get divorced from there down to there I 'll land on fucking and end up back here !
7 He said : ‘ It 's the best legal advice I can give and I believe it is the right advice . ’
8 You can assume that I mean legitimate , ethical and otherwise proper methods .
9 Well I can do that I suppose .
10 ‘ I 'm not sure what good it can do but I 've been thinking over what you said about Barney Willard .
11 There is one place where I can say I am at home , where I can live in peace and quiet with my most beloved father and my dearest sister , where I can do as I like , where apart from the duties of my appointment I am my own master , and where I have a permanent income and yet can go off when I like , and travel every second year …
12 It is not that I have no reason to submit to the moral law and can do as I please ; I am left with no reason even to do as I please .
13 From now on I am independent and I can do as I find best for my country . ’
14 You can generate the dust by rubbing the Polychromos Pastels against fine sandpaper , a practical use for small remnant pieces that would otherwise be difficult to use up , or you can do as I do and spread the dust from very lightly applied pastel strokes , placed to allow a very deliberate development of the effect over a localised area .
15 Now it 's me doing the only thing I can do because I have to make some money . "
16 But he came and sorted me out and I asked , I said I 'll see what I can do and I got hold of it and I did it for him .
17 ‘ The bosses at Barnsley know what John can do and I trust them to watch over his progress .
18 And they all said now look is there anything we can do and I said no , it 's not , if you 're coming to me as far as I 'm concerned I will do it , you need anything and I will cope .
19 I can remember that I wanted a care bears lunch box .
20 I did n't like it at first cos all the animation was all too fuzzy and wobbly and everything I can remember cos I did n't think it was as good as the Magic Roundabout but then yeah I love it now .
21 Well I do n't think actually , I mean I can remember and I do n't quite understand what 's going on here , keeps swapping and changing and I do n't understand it .
22 I can remember and I think the rest of us from the Three-Ninetieth can remember when there were very little time when we had it this quiet .
23 No I can understand that I suppose
24 I can claim that I did , and that I never breached that trust , assuming that I had any information of a sufficiently intriguing character to make it worthwhile betraying a friend .
25 There are a variety of little tokens I can use when I want to say ‘ thank you ’ for some special effort — chocolates , gift tokens and so on , as well as flowers .
26 And if it meant the purchase of a hundred acres of timber , I 'd count it cash well spent — especially to get men who can work as I 've seen you lads work this week ! ’
27 In any case , in the harsher bathroom light I can see that I 've put it on too thickly .
28 ‘ So you can see that I have a few problems ? ’
29 ‘ Yes , I can see that I have a lot to learn . ’
30 Now yes this is very very welcome indeed , but I do see it Mr Chairman in the experience of the past and that really with the hard work that you both have put in as a piece of paper it is now in the computer as far as I can see and I think there is a term now within agriculture and I will give you an example of this and I think it now , it may apply I think to our road system particular particularly in the north , north Suffolk , yeah I think the term is set-aside , and I hope that some time central government will acknowledge that within this eastern region certainly the Lowestoft area and Waking area we have very great problems , because these pieces of jigsaw do not come into the full picture , they 're put in place now and then and later and in apparent it is giving us a very great problem certainly within the last
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