Example sentences of "which [am/are] [adj] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Intentionally or not he seems to suggest , as Lord Caithness also did at the Committee stage in the House of Commons , that the homosexual literature should pass the test of artistic and literary merit — characteristics which are necessary as a defence against a charge of obscenity under the Obscene Publications Act 1959 .
2 ‘ Right ’ and ‘ wrong ’ are , for her , immutables drawn from religious teaching , which are necessary as a context for sex education , and around which a previously existing consensus was being subverted by ‘ propagandists ’ for ‘ permissiveness ’ .
3 I therefore decided to fit two 30″ , 25w Triton tube lighting units which have a brilliant , pleasing , colour enhancing effect and promote lush green algaes which are beneficial as a natural food source for herbivorous fish in the system .
4 Light passes through this to the pupil ( the central hole in the iris ) , the iris itself being composed of circular muscles which are visible as the blue , brown or hazel colour of the eye .
5 The law is quite clear on a deduction for employees ' training costs , which are allowable as a business deduction under ss 588 and 589 , ICTA 1988 .
6 What is especially curious is that this questionnaire is strongly reminiscent of others which are well-established as a marketing technique , and are supplemented by actual marketing surveys .
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