Example sentences of "which [vb past] [vb pp] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Bush had blocked or vetoed two bills before finally agreeing to a compromise formula which had extended benefits for 13 or 20 weeks beyond the standard 26 weeks of benefits provided under state unemployment programmes [ see pp. 38428 ; 38521 ; 38568 ] .
2 Mother Catherine , the mother superior , a spritely 85-year-old American , said there had never been a case of food poisoning associated with eggs from the monastery , which had kept flocks for 20 years .
3 He points a finger at my unspeakable carpet , which had escaped mention for many chapters and would continue to do so for those remaining .
4 The party which had ruled France for ten of the past 12 years was in a state of ruin .
5 A few months after I joined the Department of Transport in 1979 I was presented with an issue which had baffled governments for well over a hundred years .
6 The viability of the buy-back option was thought to be dependent on the availability of new loans especially from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) , both of which had expressed support for the agreement , and also from the Japanese Export-Import Bank and the Spanish government .
7 Navan Resources , the company which had prospected Tomduff for andalusite was invited to the meeting but refused to attend , saying it would be premature , unethical and grossly irresponsible to discuss mining at this stage .
8 The broadcast , which featured Mr Hurd , Foreign Secretary , and Mr Heseltine , Environment Secretary , acknowledged there had been a recession which had caused pain for some people .
9 With a general election due on Feb. 18 , the assassination attempt was widely interpreted as an embarrassment for the ruling Liberal Democratic Party which had expelled Motoshima for refusing to withdraw his remarks .
10 None the less , the spirit which had animated plans for post-war construction did not die away in the interwar years .
11 Experts believed that the death toll could have been much higher but for the recently installed early warning system which had allowed time for many people to move to safety or to use the 300 concrete cyclone shelters built under the Cyclone Preparedness Programme , run mainly by the Bangladesh Red Crescent .
12 Of the Arab countries which had mobilized forces for Saudi Arabia , Egypt announced substantial further commitments ( an increase to 10,000 troops announced on Sept. 7 , the day before President Mubarak met Baker in Alexandria ; an increase to 20,000 announced on Sept. 16 , with forces departing immediately ; and a government statement on Sept. 25 of readiness to increase the numbers further , to 35,000 ) , as did Syria ( an additional 11,000 to Saudi Arabia , with 300 Soviet-made T-72 tanks , announced on Sept. 15 , on top of 3,200 Syrians already in Saudi Arabia and 1,000 in the United Arab Emirates ) .
13 Commenting on the cost and time overruns , Peter Pawsey , managing director of PSA Projects , which oversaw completion of the construction , said the size and nature of the project had raised a number of issues never faced before which had required time for reconsideration .
14 The report added that participants had emphasised the significance of the exchange of military information , which had taken place for the first time in Vienna in mid-April , as " one of the key links in the development of a confidence-building and security system in Europe " .
15 In the midst of the continuing public disorder which had accompanied demands for his resignation in recent weeks , President Gnassingbe Eyadema stood down on May 14 from the post of Defence Minister which he had held since seizing power in 1967 .
16 The duke 's campaign of the previous season , which had won Berwick for the crown , may have whipped up enthusiasm for future conquests , but it had also been a lesson in the expense and difficulty of winning a small piece of land and the cost of keeping it thereafter .
17 The duke 's campaign of the previous season , which had won Berwick for the crown , may have whipped up enthusiasm for future conquests , but it had also been a lesson in the expense and difficulty of winning a small piece of land and the cost of keeping it thereafter .
18 Carlos Manuel Castillo , 61 , an economist representing the social democratic National Liberation Party ( PLN ) which had held power for the past eight years , came second with 47.3 per cent .
19 The dismissals followed the resignation of the chairman of the Doosan Electro-Materials Company , which had admitted responsibility for leaking highly toxic phenol waste into the Naktong River .
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