Example sentences of "which [noun prp] have [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 His seizure of the monastery of Cookham , which Aethelbald had given to Christ Church , Canterbury ( and the purloining from Canterbury of its Cookham charters c .
2 What excited many of those who were following leys was the realization that the legends were about the very same sites which Watkins had found to be ley markers .
3 Either it might see what could be done within the area which Kant had left to it ; or it might ask whether there might not after all be rather more to be said about the way in which genuine knowledge of God is made possible .
4 A two-in-hand waiting opposite , which Lefevre had assumed to be plying for hire , trotted sedately up to the stage door .
5 The three women could at least ‘ play tennis ’ , to use a metaphor which Alison had applied to her relations with Irina .
6 Balliol was re-established as king ; the disinherited lords received their inheritances , and more besides ; and an English administration was established to govern the southern counties which Balliol had ceded to Edward .
7 These purchases were made despite what Hall describes as her ‘ antipathy for the firm ’ , aggravated by the fact that a Guardi which Berenson had offered to her was sold to another client , and that she learnt of a discrepancy between the price she paid for two Holbeins and the monies paid to the owners , the Pole-Carews .
8 The labels which Darwin had attached to them did not say where the specimens were found ; he simply had not had any reason at the time to think that geography was important .
9 North 's lawyers claimed that his 1989 trial had been marred by the absence of key witnesses , including former President Reagan , and by the prejudicial effect upon prosecutors , jurors and witnesses of the highly publicized testimony which North had given to the 1987 congressional inquiry , and for which he had been granted immunity from prosecution .
10 Like the key which Eddie had given to Melissa , the lock was new and there were marks where the paint had been disturbed .
11 Well , there 's nothing , as I understand it there is nothing in the Law Society guidelines but there are certainly references in the professional conduct guidelines which Mr has referred to in the course of this report er which referred to the extent of solicitors in the situation .
12 The incident which prompted their behaviour was the discovery , shortly before the death of Diana 's grandfather , of a letter which Raine had sent to their father discussing her plans for Althorp .
13 The deadening sense of obligation with which Coleridge had returned to Bristol was now swiftly transformed , until , as a ‘ neutral spectator ’ ( perhaps Cottle ) told Thomas De Quincey , ‘ if ever in his life he had seen a man under deep fascination , and what he would have called desperately in love , Coleridge , in relation to Miss F , was that man ’ .
14 These improvements may be attributed to the adjustments , described in Chapter 6 , which BRAC had made to its standard lobon-gur message as a result of the 1984 observations .
15 One of the great services which McGavran has rendered to the missionary enterprise has been his insistence on the need to gather objective and accurate data in order to disperse the fog in which it has operated for so long .
16 He reported visions in which God had revealed to him Cromwell 's lust for power and his impending ruin .
17 At the time of her conversion , she was sometimes ecstatic with love ; on one occasion she returned home , and was so on fire with love which God had manifested to her that all she could utter was : ‘ O Love , can it be that thou hast called me with so much love , and revealed to me , at one view , what no tongue can describe ? ’ — Von Hugel .
18 Fighting , he says , is ‘ the real , highest , honestest business of every son of man ’ and he advises ‘ those young persons whose stomachs are not strong , or who think a good set-to with the weapons which God has given to us all , an uncivilized , unchristian , or ungentlemanly affair , just skip this chapter at once , for it wo n't be to their taste ’ .
19 The transcript departed from aspects of the evidence which Reagan had given to the Tower Commission in 1987 , and suggested that he had returned to his earliest explanations of the Iran-contra affair , insisting that he did not trade arms for hostages and had seen not " one iota " of evidence that profits from the operation had been diverted to the contras .
20 At lunchtime the following day , Tuesday , February 12 , the police are breaking down the new lock which Tommy has attached to Christopher 's purple front door .
21 As bad luck would have it , the only industries in which Britain has clung to a world-lead — defence and aerospace — have both been affected by politics as well as economics .
22 Dr Renger brought with it a coating for compact discs , which Morton has introduced to US manufacturers .
23 He campaigned tirelessly to win back the twice yearly courts or assizes , which Buckingham had lost to Aylesbury .
24 They were near the university , where the nice ones lived , the area which Mallachy had graduated to since embarking on the life theatrical .
25 ‘ I 've had this idea ’ , said Lewis , ‘ of letters from a senior devil to a junior devil ’ The Screwtape Letters brought into literary use qualities which Lewis had had to a highly developed degree ever since adolescence .
26 Among the property Margaret inherited was ‘ the house with the ways , walks , etc. ’ in the parish of St Andrew 's , Holborn , which Berthelet had reserved to his own use , and where he may have lived during his retirement .
27 Carry on collecting all this week and you 'll have a fabulous souvenir of the season in which Mansell has roared to a record NINE victories and taken the world crown for the first time .
28 Sir Francis Bacon dedicated a translation of the psalms to him , and Bishop Andrewes , according to Walton , carried a letter in his bosom which Herbert had written to him about predestination .
29 We had to put the vehicle into second gear most of the way as we proceeded slowly but with great steadiness and sureness up the steep incline , the hill Arsenio and Osvaldo had walked to their lessons as boys , up which Martinho had run to Fr Molloy the day they burnt the FAKINTIL files while Danu lay concealed in smoke below , the hill Rosa claimed with scorn never to have walked in her life , except she was strongly there , too , in spirit .
30 Although Eliot considered this idea a good one , especially in view of the articles I had been writing for the New English Weekly ( for example , ‘ Italy must Choose ; and ‘ An Open Letter to Ansaldo ’ , which Mairet had forwarded to the spokesman in question and also to the Vatican ) , he felt that such a book issued in time of war , would need official backing .
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