Example sentences of "which [pers pn] could not [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 … those countries which I could not visit in my proper person , I have so attentively read about , that as I turn round a globe I can almost fancy that I know the appearance and characters of the portions of the great world itself which lie mapped out under my eye , and observe all that is going forward on its surface .
2 Neil shook his head and made some gesture which I could not interpret , but as it was obvious that he , too , had seen Stormy Petrel and knew what he was about , I let it be .
3 ‘ You will add great distinction to the office in ways to which I could not aspire ; but I fear you will find a great deal of the work here work which does not really interest you . ’
4 " I was delayed to some extent because the address given to me was 626 Cheyne Walk , which I could not find , but eventually the river police directed me . "
5 Were naive enough to think they could get through it without having an appraisal system , which I could not believe .
6 But those four miles were like an ocean , which I could not cross !
7 I have often learned through dreams — frequently just floating snippets , as it were — things which I could not have learnt through my normal perceptions .
8 When Birkenhead left office in 1928 , Baldwin accepted his resignation with a reluctance which was convincing because honestly expressed : ‘ We shall part , on my side at least , with a feeling of personal regret which I could not have believed possible four years ago . ’
9 The following morning saw me back at the surgery in order to collect not only my screwdriver but also the death certificate , duly signed by two doctors ( yes , they had managed to find the mortuary ) , without which I could not obtain a Registration of Death certificate , without which Nigel could not be cremated .
10 It was the kind of rabbit warren in which you could not swing a cat and there were thousands of them in the city .
11 Unsettled at having come halfway around the world to find herself in the same town at the same time as Vitor d'Arcos , she had skipped over any articles which mentioned him , but , on turning a page , had found an article which she could not ignore .
12 But she did not wish to lose her place , hard though her life as a servant was ; such an outcome would be a failure which she could not endure .
13 Fully confident of German support , Vienna issued Serbia an ultimatum which she could not fulfil , and declared war .
14 There was an overpoweringly strong odour of stale tobacco smoke , and beneath that , other smells which were alien to her nostrils and which she could not identify .
15 When she woke she found her hand covered with blood which she could not wash off until she went to church to confess to the priest .
16 Philip of Valois 's claim , however , had the virtues of clarity and logic , whereas Edward 's claim , as French lawyers pointed out at the time and French historians have not hesitated to remark since , rested on the unsatisfactory assumption that a woman could transmit a right which she could not exercise .
17 One sermon to urge the duty of penance and confession tells of a woman who had committed a sin which she could not bring herself to confess for shame .
18 Her lips parted in a small smile which she could not control .
19 Like her French contemporaries Elizabeth Vigee-Lebrun or Adelaide Labille-Guiard , Angelica Kauffman was caught up in the contradictory politics of class and gender through the elite patronage without which she could not work .
20 Jane saw her degree as a process of narrowing down , rather than a broadening out ; it shut out the creative , ‘ qualitative ’ aspect of her nature , and presented her with a set of rules and definitions which she had to conform to , or reject , but which she could not challenge .
21 His marriage seemed like the Atlantic Ocean to her , something vast and unknowable which she could not attempt to bridge but only fly over at a terrible speed .
22 In fact , it is an incomplete one — he was born in Paris in 1900 , his mother having left the USA after the defeat ( which she could not accept ) of the Southern states in the Civil War .
23 Or perhaps he had reason to be content , since Franca had been , perhaps visibly , moved , or startled by his sudden gesture of kissing her hand , something which she could not remember his ever having done before .
24 But there was also another feeling which was something else altogether , and which she could not understand .
25 Oh , she had the children , and she treasured every moment with them , but she was unfulfilled , possessed of a deep longing which she could not understand .
26 For some reason which she could not understand a feeling of desolation swept over her .
27 There were engraved letters on it which she could not read , because she had never learned .
28 She reminded me that I was a married man — forbade me to approach her or speak to her again in that way , but at the same time I knew I had made her think about the old days — the attraction we 'd had for each other which she could not deny .
29 Some of them brought to it a breadth of experience of teaching to which we could not lay claim .
30 We tend to take our water for granted , a turn of the tap and we have all we need , but we should consider more this most important mineral , without which we could not exist , the dry summer of 1976 proving how much we owe to water companies and the men who operate them .
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