Example sentences of "which [pers pn] [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My proposal will , I know , appear as selling the pass , to traditionalist teachers of English Literature , and perhaps upset them , which I am sorry for .
2 I do not know if this triumphant wrongdoing owes anything to the example set by Ivy in Elders and Betters , by which I am conscious of having been influenced myself .
3 Within the proviso therefore , that short-term visitors only may be offered to individual area secretaries , I would like to make the following proposals for which I am indebted to area staff colleagues for their help :
4 The therapeutic use of regression , which I am concerned with here , usually relates to a subject 's current life , and takes place purely at a psychological level .
5 The only situation in which I am interested at the moment is the wholly ordinary one of sitting at Joanna 's tiller .
6 Now he thinks he can work it in , which I 'm pleased about because if this is the way the Indians react to me and Matt then maybe that 's a pointer to how the fans will go .
7 the school are doing nothing , okay what did they do , they stopped the money , yeah , they stopped him from having money , they made him pay money back which I 'm pleased about that he got
8 We have a Labour-led council , which I 'm proud to be the leader .
9 I just want to know those three things — the extent of the damage , the location of this ticking noise and to see if it 's possible to remove this atom bomb or whatever , which I 'm convinced in advance is impossible .
10 This house , two children , a failed marriage , and a job which I 'm frightened of losing because it 's the only thing I 've made a success of . "
11 Had n't he already described himself as ‘ a political animal ’ — ‘ and with £19.50p attendance money a day as a Sheffield councillor , on which I 'm dependent by the way , I 'd need to be a political animal . ’
12 Well my Lord I must say it had occurred to me erm that certainly on the basis on which I 'm contending for damages to be assessed with the plaintiffs and it is completely irrelevant , er er many of the matters to which the defendant 's expert goes to as to the damages and the extent to which they were caused by the negligence of the defendant , the breach of duty .
13 The story , for which I 'm indebted to Dr Arthur Raistrick , goes as follows :
14 The discussion which I was involved in concerned food — ‘ quantity versus quality ’ — and was chaired by Radio 4 's Derek Cooper .
15 The particular argument in which I was involved in eastern Europe concerned the base of the Upper Jurassic .
16 It may or not surprise you that there is already an element of regional Government actually in the U K already and since development is the issue that the Labour Group has raised , we 'll take the work of the Development Association , which I was involved in in the mid eighties and which actually does some good work to actually bring industry actually to this region .
17 It was the first time that I had run a 60 metres in years and I improved my personal best to 6.63 seconds , which I was pleased with — but not so happy , obviously , to lose to Lincoln by one-hundredth of a second .
18 I was trying to communicate between David and Tony , trying to get them to talk to each other , and as a result was going back and forth between the two of them which was a very frustrating experience , added to which I was tired from being on the road and I was very unhappy .
19 The only other Hurricane of which I was aware at this time was flown by Hamish Hamilton , which was ahead and to my left .
20 The fieldwork data basically fell into three categories : that which I felt could definitely be published , that which could definitely not be published , and that which I was unsure about .
21 What lessons , anything arithmetic , mental arithmetic , dictation which I was bad at , my school report was about fair , fair , fair , poor , poor , poor , that 's what mine was , I only got about one excellent .
22 Hank came in and did a lot of recordings , which I was glad of because it gave me some relief .
23 All the drawings Cizek liked were amongst those I had done on my own and not under supervision ; which I was glad of .
24 So we have a wealth of choice for you as customers in terms of for instance using tools which you 're familiar with which you 've already invested in .
25 There must be a great deal which you are involved in which will be of interest to the general public .
26 We need to improve the ways in which you are involved in N C V O's work , thus giving legitimacy to voice , and empowering N C V O and our members in the causes that we all care about .
27 Select those exercises which you are capable of doing without suffering any pain .
28 There are clear advantages in buying a system based on software which you are familiar with ( and that you are happy with , of course ) .
29 That sounds very big and important , and what 's happening , your business starts sliding down , because you 're getting involved in something that you 're not yet ready for , instead of establishing your business in a market in which you are good at .
30 You know , that is a good test of your relationship with a person if there is a sense in which you are embarrassed to be with them , and there 's long periods of silence it 's a pretty good test that it 's not a deep relationship you have with them .
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