Example sentences of "which [vb -s] [pers pn] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Consequently , many people find the unsmiling face of a horse rather expressionless which encourages them to think that horses are virtually emotionless — that they only have two emotions : ears forward , and the horse is happy ; ears back , and he is bad tempered .
2 If you truly feel that it is not , then it is probably some inadequacy on the part of your accuser which causes him to think as he does .
3 Some EDI users tackle the problem of having to satisfy the disparate requirements of a variety of trading partners by adding a software element which allows them to generate and read in messages in a variety of formats .
4 And she discovered a telephone ear-piece extension which allows her to listen and repeat the words of a caller to him .
5 The evolutionary view is that the only explanation for certain practices being adopted and others discarded is that these practices enable the group which adopts them to survive and gain mastery over others .
6 The chewy nature of our beef teriyaki leads on to Denice 's dislike of beef , which in turn inspires her to do an extremely convincing impersonation of a fish , which leads her to mention that her mother 's name is Wanda .
7 ‘ Yes , I know some people might think we are because we occasionally partner each other , but you should have known better — or perhaps not , since you never had any scruples about being a party to another man 's infidelity six years ago , which leads me to believe that this show of conscience on Cavell 's behalf is just that — show !
8 We are more likely to operate with a rather loose form of inferencing which leads us to believe that the hats and coats mentioned in ( 8 ) belong to visitors to the house which has the dresser in its kitchen .
9 The James-type account is , by contrast , one which requires us to concede that we are somehow mistaken about the nature of our experience of bodily sensations .
10 Features : include three exposure modes : manual , aperture priority and program which lets you point and shoot ; also has extra bright f/2.0 high resolution lens allowing the camera to be used in low light without a flash .
11 But the real question is , rather , whether there is any commonly accepted core of meaning among the various uses of the term which entitles us to say that this or that way of using it constitutes an abuse or misuse of it .
12 Upon arrival , you will receive a visitor 's card which entitles you to breakfast and dinner .
13 It is this which helps us to recognize that an object is from a certain period or particular place .
14 Instead it is copied to the plaintiff together with new Form N236 which asks him to confirm whether he wishes the case to proceed or that he is withdrawing the action ( Ord 9 , r 2(7) ) .
15 The precipitate nature of the admissions and the legal imposition which propels them means that residential staff are faced with outcomes of decisions in which they and the families played little or no part .
16 In fact , many Club guests choose to take the full trips package at the very start of their holiday , which means they know that certain nights out and meals are already catered for — and you 'll be amazed how much that can save you on the food and drinks bill .
17 She 'd do anything for us — and we both know that , which means I suppose that we have a sort of shell of security which goes with us everywhere . ’
18 A UV Exposure Timer construction project , which permits you to set and forget the UV light source so that you can pay attention to other tasks , will be described next month .
19 Cushions and pads may help for a while but they will never convert a seat or chair that is bad for your back into one which gives you comfort and relief .
20 The District committee relented ; withdrew their objections and Jacques made it clear to Green it was only through his personal intervention and tenacity as the General Secretary that ‘ the WEA had been saved from disaster , and that this agreement represented , in fact , the charter which gives us continued and autonomous existence ’ .
21 His houses are always monuments of excellent craftsmanship , but as one eighteenth-century critic who had seen a number of them observed , although ‘ all of them [ are ] convenient and handsome … there is a great sameness in the plans , which proves he had but little invention ’ .
22 Apes and monkeys , like humans , have an opposable thumb which enables them to handle and investigate objects .
23 If she has a religious faith which enables her to believe that death is not the end and that she and her husband will be re-united one day , she should be supported and encouraged in this , as it is something really positive on which she can begin to rebuild the rest of her life .
24 That 's why she set up Images Ahead , a service which enables you to find and try a new hairstyle BEFORE visiting the hairdresser .
25 He would understand in detail the working of the mechanism of the clock , which enables it to function as it does .
26 It is this result which enables us to conclude that a short-run trade-off between unemployment and inflation exists , but that ( so long as w is greater than zero ) no long-run trade-off exists unless a continually rising rate of inflation is tolerated .
27 We are indebted to the Opposition for tabling the amendment to the Loyal Address which has enabled this subject to be debated and which enables us to prove that we have the best solution for local government funding .
28 And now British Airways has joined forces with Hertz to bring you Club Europe Drive : the fly drive service which saves you time once you have landed .
29 It was built before the war , and I have a Shanks loo , which makes me think that the British must have had a hand in building it .
30 And I think this has been proved you know that ask when people have changed their minds and said I do n't know , that this is what has happened in the last er ten to fifteen years erm and which makes me feel that once again I think that advances can only be evolutionary erm I think that erm , I do n't know if you , anybody saw Joseph Conrad 's erm spy story on the television ?
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