Example sentences of "which [was/were] [vb pp] [adv] from " in BNC.

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1 But such work often involves using older and younger women as tests of psychological theories which were developed mainly from male samples , like theories of moral development ( Gilligan 1982 ) , adolescence ( Beckett 1986 ) , transfer into the job market ( Griffin 1986 ) , and middle age ( Barnett and Baruch 1985 ) .
2 Nevertheless , they were able to continue the art classes ( to Leonard 's chagrin , a Saturday morning event ) alongside needlework and other crafts , which were exhibited locally from time to time .
3 Everyone gathered together in the room next to our barrack room for meals , which were brought over from the main kitchens somewhere else in the citadel .
4 Silver , lead , copper , iron and mercury were the most important metals which were brought in from the mines some of which were owned by Ragusan merchants — in Bosnia , Serbia and Kosovo .
5 We opened up the parish hall to the wounded and dead which were brought in from all parts of the village .
6 Gemmill and Dickens used 5000 observations of option prices for 16 companies which were traded continuously from May 1978 to July 1983 .
7 The sections , which were taken randomly from the gastric corpus and included areas of haemorrhagical damage , were evaluated by an observer unaware of the treatment .
8 Ashore the troops were commanded by Colonel John Durnford-Slater , the Commanding Officer of 3 Commando , who did most of the detailed planning for the raiding force which was made up from the entire 3 Commando , reinforced by two Troops from ‘ No.2 ’ with additional Royal Engineers from ‘ No.6 ’ , Royal Army Medical Corps ( RAMC ) personnel from ‘ No.4 ’ , intelligence officers from the War Office , and a Press Unit .
9 S. Lorenzo-fuori-le-Mura , which was made up from combining two early Christian churches , one dating from 432 and the other 578 , was partly destroyed in World War II and restored in 1949 .
10 The body and neck of the Diggins are made from Brazilian mahogany , unlike the John Birch which was made entirely from much heavier maple ( Birch insisted that maple was the only timber for guitar building ) .
11 CHUBB Security , which was floated off from Racal Electronics last October , today published a sparkling first set of accounts as a separate company .
12 Scotmid ’ helped celebrate with a large birthday cake which was accepted by from Craighall Day Centre for people with special needs .
13 During my visit this year , several local people popped in to buy a chunk of freshly made cheese , which was cut straight from the truckle and cleanly wrapped in greaseproof paper .
14 The Autonomous Region of South Ossetia continued to come under heavy attack from Georgian forces sited outside its capital , Tskhinvali , which was cut off from aid ; there were reports of hostage-taking .
15 The Postal side of the Polish Post , Telegraph and Telephone company , which was split off from the Telecoms side back in January , is to become one of the earliest recipients of an IBM mainframe running the firm 's AIX Unix implementation .
16 Successful , he returned to England and invented a telephone crosstalk reduction circuit , which was adopted internationally from 1927 under his joint patent with J. P. Johns .
17 For our experiments we used a cubical tank of water seeded with silicon carbide grit of fairly uniform size , which was cooled uniformly from the top .
18 Between the two extremes stand intermediate classes of books , such as the Chatham House series of annual surveys of international affairs , The Annual Register , the American United States in World Affairs , or the French L'Année politique ( which was published only from 1874 to 1905 ) .
19 Two other drugs were introduced in the sixteenth century , ‘ China root ’ , an extract of Smilax sinensis , which was brought over from Goa by the Portuguese , and sarsaparilla from Sassafras officinale , an American plant .
20 So the arrangements were made with the White Star line and unbeknown to Nellie , Liam eventually did get two reservations on the new ship , which was brought down from Liverpool to Southampton , where most of the passengers got on , and then to Cherbourg to pick up some more and finally to Queenstown before crossing the Atlantic to New York .
21 We had a very impromptu meal which was brought out from somewhere near Bahrain because our landing area was in a small offshore sand strip where the Nos 55 and 84 Squadron aircraft ( also a Valentia from No 70 Squadron , which was our support aircraft ) were all based overnight and I went to sleep in this hot and humid place , The humidity factor at Bahrain was very high indeed , in the 90s , but I went to sleep quite comfortably on a groundsheet having dug a little hole for my not very considerable hips , weighing very little above 9 stone , and I settled down for the night .
22 Digital Equipment Corp is bringing forward to next month its agreed purchase of a further 4.03% stake in Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA , doubling its 4.03% stake , which was bought directly from Olivetti 's controlling shareholders .
23 The A. & P. Gypsies , by the way , were among the very first stars to have a radio ‘ series ’ — a programme which was broadcast regularly from the same station at the same time of the same day of the week .
24 It was generosity and wisdom I was after when I climbed up the steps to her small office which was set apart from the larger huts in the forest clearing .
25 A third dummy was in a seated position on the fourth chair which was set away from the table .
26 In about the middle of the eighteenth century , John Zoffany , a portrait painter , arrived in England , and although not regularly accepted at first , he became friendly with Garrick and other actors which lifted his prospects , so he took a lease of a house called ‘ London Style ’ , which was set back from the north bank of the River Thames , just east of Kew Bridge , but later his wife and children occupied a house on the river front on Strand-on-the-Green , which house was named after the painter .
27 No less devotion was brought to four songs by Joseph Marx , and although the rather overheated style of Nocturne elicited a few smiles ( Parsons performing prodigies in representing the burgeoning June night ) there was a touching ecstasy in Hat dich die Liebe beruhrt which was delivered absolutely from the heart .
28 The two tests were explained in that case by the Lord Chancellor … who commented that not the law but our mode of life has changed over the years ; that what has changed is " the degree in which certain things have seemed susceptible of being put up as mere ornaments whereas at our earlier period the mere construction rendered it impossible sometimes to sever the thing which was put up from the realty . "
29 In sharp contrast , the WEA financed its tutors through student fee income , grant-aid from the Board of Education which was derived only from the number of qualifying classes provided , and from fluctuating , unsecured donations and subscriptions .
30 The RCM prided itself on a broad-minded approach to religion This suited the collective temperament of the ruling body , which was drawn largely from the liberal branch of Judaism , and made sense in terms of practical politics .
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