Example sentences of "which [was/were] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This enlarged LFA , the areas included in which were determined in close consultation with farmers ' representatives , now takes in much land amenable for agricultural development and may increase the proportion of the UK uplands experiencing the nature conservation/agriculture conflict .
2 In the 1930s , the Supreme Court began to widen its interpretation of free speech to include writings and films of little or no artistic merit , provided they did not include ‘ licentious ’ speech , the forms of which were listed in 1942 as libel , slander , insulting or ‘ fighting ’ words , and obscenity , all of which were excluded from First Amendment protection .
3 Goody himself in a later essay points out that ‘ at least during the last 2,000 years the vast majority of peoples of the world ( most of Eurasia and much of Africa ) have lived in neither kind of situation , but in cultures which were influenced in some degree by the circulation of the written word , by the presence of groups or individuals who could read or write ’ ( 1968 , p. 4 ) .
4 Even in areas outside this great span — in Australia for example , the South Pacific or Amerindia — the main detailed knowledge that we have of these cultures is — almost by definition — in neither kind of situation , but in cultures which were influenced in some degree by the circulation of the written word , by the presence of groups or individuals who could read or write .
5 The two other local mosaics , the Keynsham Villa mosaics , which were excavated in 1924 and last exhibited about three years ago , will also be on display .
6 Similarly , some coins of the Emperor Septimius Severus which were minted at several cities in southern Greece are found , almost exclusively , in the Levant .
7 In a study , again in Costa Rica , the vegetation biomass , nutrient content and species composition were measured during the first year after clear-cutting of plots , some of which were treated with commercial inorganic fertilizer ( 70kg N , 87.5kg P and 166kg K per hectare ) while others were planted with the pioneering Cecropia obtusifolia , as seedlings .
8 If the stripes ( which were made of black tape , stuck on a white surface ) could be felt by the moths , then the moths usually lined up correctly .
9 Cleo ran her hands through their manes and tails , which were made of real horsehair , exclaiming in wonder .
10 During the later stages of the field surveys which were made for this Flora , the National Vegetation Classification project ( NVC ) was being carried out .
11 Dangerous products seized in recent years include brake shoes and linings for cars ; nuts and bolts supplied to the construction industry that caused parts of a building to collapse during an earthquake in the United States ; aircraft brake parts ; and eye drops which were made with contaminated water .
12 My difficulty is compounded by the succinctness and cogency of the Official Solicitor 's submissions which were made with obvious distaste , but in the due and proper fulfilment of their duties as the guardian ad litem of this disabled girl .
13 In this chapter , using significant material not previously published , we shall , for the first time , give a comprehensive picture of the complex efforts which were made between 21–27 May to achieve a state of harmony between ( a ) the various conflicting policies and orders of AFHQ and ( b ) the policies and orders being carried out by Eighth Army IS Corps , in respect of both Cossacks and Yugoslavs .
14 For poly ( methyl methacrylate ) samples , which were prepared under different conditions to give the three forms , resonances at τ = 8.78 , 8.95 and 9.09 were observed , which were assigned to the isotatic , heterotactic , and syndiotactic triads respectively .
15 His style of preaching is clearly seen in his books such as A Call to the Unconverted and The Saint 's Everlasting Rest which were prepared from sermonic material .
16 FLYING SCOTSMAN SERVICES have cancelled their two Welshman services which were planned for this month .
17 The provisions in the Education ( Schools ) Bill relating to the inspection of schools and information on their performance were trailed in the citizens charter and the charter for parents in Wales , copies of which were sent to all local authorities in Wales as well as to a wide range of bodies representative of education interests .
18 This practice was not adopted enthusiastically by the LGB , partly due to fears that its cheapness would encourage Guardians to send children to unsuitable homes — fears which were justified by some unfortunate and tragic incidents of maltreatment and exploitation of child labour .
19 While we have more or less maintained our overall membership figure , and that in a deep recession , we have fallen far short of the targets set in March 1992 , which were felt at that time to be reasonable and achievable .
20 While we have more or less maintained our overall membership figure , and that in a deep recession , we have fallen far short of the targets set in March 1992 , which were felt at that time to be reasonable and achievable .
21 In 1987 it published a report on its observations of specific community care projects which were felt by local people to be successful .
22 The posters contained the major elements of student grievances and demands Which were to reappear in 1989 .
23 with large stacks of metallic drums which were stored in one deeper hollow directly under the window of Froebe 's office .
24 It was Sayeeda who gave me an insatiable desire to open the doors of Oman , doors which were locked to most foreigners and needed a special key .
25 The 1880s saw a major effort to clarify the law and simplify court procedure , both of which were seen as essential prerequisites for improving the efficiency of the judicial system .
26 Along with the rise in car ownership came a fall in interest in horse-drawn vehicles which were seen by many to symbolize war time austerity and petrol rationing .
27 With his good hand he shoved a trolley loaded with two rotting suitcases , which were saved from instant disintegration only by thin string and fraying pyjama cord .
28 Under the Donoughmore Constitution of 1931 the Legislative Council was transformed into the State Council , the members of which were elected by universal suffrage .
29 I have few comments to make , except that the sack survived very well , save for some sections of the Advent material used for the back and inside the shoulder straps , which were eaten by salt-seeking grasshoppers !
30 The manual operation of broadcasting a recognition signal to the platforms in orbit around Tarvaras had been duplicated simultaneously by four automatic sending stations which were situated at various points along the Simonova 's mainframe .
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