Example sentences of "which [is] [vb pp] for a " in BNC.

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1 Interestingly there is inevitably more coherence in the primary child 's day because one or two adults experience the same things — indeed they are the conductors of the total experience which is planned for a day in detail within the week and the year .
2 Executive power in internal affairs is vested in a Council of Ministers , responsible to the 21-seat Staten ( parliament ) , which is elected for a four-year term by universal adult suffrage , most recently in January 1989 , when the People 's Electoral Movement ( Movimento Electoral di Pueblo — MEP ) won 10 seats , and with the support of the Aruban Patriotic party ( Partido Patriótico Arubano — PPA ) and the National Democratic Action ( Acción Democrático Nacional — ADN ) formed a government [ see p. 37075 ] .
3 Executive power in internal affairs is vested in a Council of Ministers , responsible to the 22-seat Staten ( parliament ) , which is elected for a four-year term by universal adult suffrage , most recently in March 1990 , when Prime Minister Maria Liberia Peters 's National People 's Party ( Partido Nashonal di Pueblo — PNP ) won seven seats and continued to lead a coalition government .
4 Legislative power is vested in the 120-member National Assembly , which is elected for a five-year term .
5 Executive power in internal affairs in each case is vested in a Council of Ministers , responsible to the Staten ( parliament ) , which is elected for a four-year term .
6 Under its 1921 Constitution it has a government appointed by the Prince on the proposal of the 25-seat Landtag ( parliament ) , which is elected for a four-year term by universal adult sufferage .
7 It has a 65-member House of Representatives which is elected for a five-year term ( subject to dissolution ) by direct universal adult suffrage under a system of proportional representation .
8 The Kingdom of Norway is a constitutional monarchy in which the monarch exercises authority through a Council of State ( Cabinet ) , appointed by the monarch in accordance with the will of the 165-member parliament ( Storting ) , which is elected for a fixed four-year term .
9 Legislative powers reside with the bicameral Federal Assembly ( Bundesversammlung ) comprising the 46-member Upper House ( Ständerat ) of representatives from the cantons and the 200-member Lower House ( Nationalrat or National Council ) , which is elected for a four-year term .
10 A multijunction cell , Solarex believes , should be more efficient as it uses layers of different crystals , each of which is optimised for a specific band of the visible light spectrum .
11 Tensing and relaxation are then incorporated into the turtle response by tensing the body when assuming the turtle position , as a count is made from one to ten , followed by relaxation of the muscles , which is maintained for a few moments .
12 DNA may be recovered from solution ( eg enzyme reaction mixtures or gel eluates ) by the following method which is designed for a volume of DNA solution of 0.5 ml .
13 KINGS of video action , Dolph Lundgren and Jean Claude Van Damme , team up in Universal Soldier which is set for a December 29 release on tape after a good run at cinemas .
14 … any land which is in their area and which is suitable for and is required in order to secure the carrying out of one or more of the following activities , namely , development , redevelopment and improvement [ and ] any land which is in their area and which is required for a purpose which it is necessary to achieve in the interests of the proper planning of an area in which the land is situated .
15 Some more interesting fields are : confirmed starter which we have discussed ; pay schedule code which contains the allowable levels of pay for the grade ; shift code which contains the shift pattern ; leave date which is entered for a leaver — if the employee retires then a date of retirement is entered instead — and reason for leaving code .
16 See also Derby and Co Ltd v Weldon ( No 8 ) [ 1990 ] 3 All ER 762. 2.3 Limited purpose of disclosure There is a large body of authority in support of the proposition that information which is disclosed for a limited purpose is received under an obligation of confidence and can not be used or disclosed otherwise than for that purpose .
17 Her body does not make an enzyme called Adenosine Deaminase ( ADA ) which is needed for a fully developed immune system .
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