Example sentences of "which [vb mod] never be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The present system of allocations , in which some stately committee offers the franchise to the most persuasive ( or plausible ) claimant on the basis of pledges which may never be fulfilled , is , all agree , very near indefensible .
2 Later , he would spend tens of millions of dollars , the true extent of which may never be known , to support the ultra-orthodox parties of Israel — enough to influence the country 's politics .
3 In letters , prescriptions , shopping lists , school essays , the reader normally pushes through a once-for-all interpretation of a text which may never be read again .
4 Nationalism was , is and will be : it is , as Tom Nairn put it , the Janus-face looking at once forward to liberation and progress and backward to reactionary and often mythical notions of the past ; it is a force which should never be identified with the nation-state , a concept which nationalism has for a time inhabited , as a hermit crab inhabits a shell , but is evidently beginning to evacuate as the sovereign nation-state shows clear sign of obsolescence .
5 Further discussions with instructors also confirmed that videos were regarded as a training aid of great potential which should never be overlooked .
6 Strong words which no one would contradict with confidence , even if despair was regarded as an emotion which should never be admitted .
7 There were two more in the series which could never be made .
8 Continuity was assured by the performance becoming enshrined in a religious ritual which could never be broken for fear of offending the gods .
9 She stood in front of the mirror and in front of her mother , and she suffered because she knew that there was no escape ; the reasons why the dress would not do were reasons which could never be communicated .
10 This is a naive notion which could never be realised , because of inherent variation as in ( 2 ) .
11 Two bullets hit him in the left arm , and numerous metal fragments flew into his face , including a piece in his jaw which could never be extracted .
12 So were the shapeless spaces between the buildings , which could never be called streets .
13 But life was over ; it had been left irretrievably behind before the war , and with it an animation which could never be resurrected , if it had been at all .
14 By contrast , the Soviet Union had , of course , always co-existed with a climate which could never be taken for granted .
15 That was something which could never be established after this lapse of time .
16 It is a tall order for someone so new to the professional ranks , but one which could never be construed as being beyond a competitor who , as an amateur , tied for second place behind Greg Norman in the Australian Masters at Huntingdale at the start of this season and who also finished in the top 10 in the English Open at The Belfry .
17 which would never be traced
18 She enjoyed hearing about the governess 's letters which would never be received and translations of East End rhyming slang , but did n't think he actually listened to her , he often asked her the same questions .
19 The mass disfranchisement of thousands of citizens in local government , the disgraceful manipulation of constituency boundaries , the enforced political tests for government jobs and legislation , such as the Flags and Emblems Act , were some of the shackles on individual freedom which would never be tolerated in England .
20 At the time of Chamberlain 's appointment he had written to his mother : ‘ I am pretty certain that I shall be left where I am which is what I wanted , for the only promotion I should care about would be the Exchequer itself which would never be given to a minister of only two years ' experience .
21 There were painting commissions which Elise had undertaken but which would never be fulfilled ; people to write to ; telephone calls to be made .
22 He represented the dawn of a new age which would never be engulfed by darkness .
23 He left on Thursday 1 May and there was a comparatively light raid that night , but it was the start of eight days and nights which would never be forgotten in Liverpool .
24 At one end of the scale there are short-term bonds which are about to be redeemed , and at the other end long-term bonds — perpetuities — which will never be redeemed .
25 The eyes of his beloved wife , are tear-reddened ( sic ) and she has come to the awful realisation of a gap in her waning life which will never be filled .
26 According to my sample of Hull University students , the dreams of Joseph , the Magi , and so on may have been literally true ( according to over half of those questioned ) , but it seems that it would be naive to conclude that they really believe that communications of this sort are still " possible " — that is , presumably they happened in the Bible by some unique divine intervention which will never be repeated .
27 If development ceases , the pupils will not benefit as much as they should at a time in their education which will never be repeated and one which therefore could never be made up .
28 The little trees in the hedges on each side of the path reached out to each other across it like the opposing factions at a wedding : the families of the bride and groom which will never be united but must maintain a truce , unnaturally bound by the exigent complicity of the couple .
29 Marianella was assassinated on 14 March 1983 , at the age of 34 , in circumstances which will never be clarified .
30 But the life that will be always remembered stems from a journey which will never be forgotten — that commemorated by the space of sea between the statues in Chile and Cebu , a distance of some 12,000 miles .
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