Example sentences of "which [vb mod] [adv] be seen " in BNC.

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1 Charlemagne 's throne , which may still be seen in the basilica at Aachen , gave all the kings of western Europe sooner or later the idea of regarding a throne as an essential symbol of royal greatness .
2 Towards the end of this phase bronchitis develops , characterised by mucus containing immature lungworms in the airways , which may only be seen with the aid of a low-power microscope , and by cellular infiltration of the epithelium .
3 Conservation , to architect and public alike , is not a fad , a fetter or a curse : it is a necessity which should also be seen as a stimulating challenge .
4 This refusal is much more of a " classic " polite refusal : it is not immediate ( being offset instead by laughter , which also marks it as " non-serious " ) and is immediately followed by an excuse ( " I 'm gon na take Natasha over the park " ) , which could also be seen as a bid to be treated as doing something equivalently onerous : looking after a child instead of washing up .
5 Q My garden is too small for a pond to keep fish which could easily be seen .
6 Williams showed that it would be much better to concentrate on attacking U-boats which could still be seen on the surface , with a depth-charge setting of 25 feet , and ignore those which had had time to submerge , because of the uncertainty in knowing their exact position .
7 Large figures , carved into the chalk hillside , such as the Uffington Horse , the Long Man of Wilmington and the Cerne Abbas Giant , are well known , but these figures were something very different : they were enormous earth sculptures which could only be seen properly from the air or on a map .
8 If it is used , however , to highlight commonly experienced deprivations and restrictions , and stimulate a move away from those towards a range of service provisions and life-styles which would normally be seen as more adequate , more acceptable , and even more desirable — which would , in short , be valued by most of that society — then normalisation must offer some hope of a breakthrough .
9 The concentrations of nutrients used in these studies are substantially higher than those which would normally be seen in the colonic lumen .
10 Apart from this belief in the straightforward truth of books which would now be seen as in differing degrees myth , with Adam as Everyman rather than a historical figure , for example , there was diffidence about the boundaries of science .
11 This is because if the estimate of the liquidity position is incorrect it will cause large changes in market rates of interest , the undesirability and significance of which will soon be seen .
12 Karsten Schubert is mounting a retrospective exhibition of paintings and works on paper by Victor Willing ( 19 November-19 December ) , which will also be seen at Richard Salmon 's studio in South Edwardes Square .
13 Pilots ' helmets with miniature built-in video screens may not have obvious applications in hotels and restaurants , but there are several defence-led developments which do , and which will increasingly be seen around the industry .
14 Obviously , this represents a major breakthrough in the industry , the benefits of which will initially be seen on the running tracks , but which will eventually move into tennis .
15 Such heroic ambition reminds one of the ambition which can frequently be seen in sons of mothers who have made their children too dependent on them but who are themselves ambitious and aggressive and unconsciously see their male children as their own frustrated masculinity — in the concrete terms in which the unconscious always thinks , as their penis .
16 As you can see from the first diagram , the body of even the toughest fighter is covered with ‘ soft spots ’ ( or vulnerable areas ) which can easily be seen and reached .
17 This Engels does by showing that the Greek and Roman states , the ‘ sacred ’ sources of the European ideal , were based on principles which can also be seen in embryo among much less prestigious peoples , the American Indians .
18 The development of 19C painting in Czechoslovakia follows that elsewhere in Europe , but here it is imbued with the same emergence of a national consciousness which can also be seen in literature and architecture .
19 In a development which can also be seen in Zimbabwe , inflationary pressures have been greater for low-income urban households than for those with high incomes .
20 The latter solution involves the employment and training of specialist money advice workers and the development of money advice units , some of which can already be seen around the country .
21 Leave plenty of breathing space between each section of speech so that your audience is not bombarded with too much information at a time , and do n't allow the commentary to describe things which can already be seen on the screen ; instead , use it to complement the pictures and provide additional ( but relevant ) information .
22 The damselfly is a striking sight which can often be seen settling on trees and bushes lining the banks of fast , clear streams .
23 Erm some women tend to have more pitch variation and they 're more emotional so they 're more likely to use encouraging tones er which can sometimes be seen to be slightly patronizing , whereas boys think it 's soppy to be emotional or expressive way , so that if you 're in school and you 're asking people to read out in class , erm a girl would be more likely to be more expressive , whereas a boy would be a little bit more monotonous , and just sort of read it out and not put any emotion into it .
24 In October 1959 , the Soviet probe Luna 3 first photographed the far side of the Moon , which can never be seen from the Earth .
25 Further north along Corso Venezia is Palazzo Serbelloni , an enormous building in Neo-Classical style created in 1793 for Duke Serbelloni by the enlarging of a seventeenth-century palazzo , part of which can still be seen — the brick section in Via San Damiano .
26 The site later became known as the Vulcan Works , now demolished , and produced castings and iron gratings , some of which can still be seen in the village , and elsewhere throughout the county .
27 Besides the gnomon , or sundial , and the clepsydra , or water-clock , an improved version of which with a more constant flow was invented by Ctesibius of Alexandria c.270 BC , there is evidence of more elaborate instrumentation , such as the ‘ Tower of the Winds ’ which can still be seen in Athens , north of the Acropolis .
28 It was 8 years before a new bridge was completed beside the remains of the old , the stumps of which can still be seen .
29 The brothers converted part of the building to make a chapel , and set up an industry in old railway huts which produced exquisite ecclesiastical embroideries , many of which can still be seen in local churches .
30 Although he died in 1807 , he had by then planned the ‘ canalization ’ of the three rivers and the construction of the walls alongside them which can still be seen today .
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